Chapter 809

"This Ye Qianyue is really difficult to deal with. Although it is very likely that I will offend Floating Island, I think the same as Lao Wu. If I can kill him, I must not let that Ye Qianyue go!" It was the pale Fourth Elder who coughed twice, "I think my Situ family has a great career, and that Ye Qianyue dared to be so presumptuous. When we get there, I don't know what kind of moths are going to happen!"

"It's true. I think we should look at the situation. It's really not good. When King Shura is not paying attention, we will..." A cold killing intent quickly flashed in the eyes, the sixth elder said so, raised his hand and slammed He cut himself in front of the neck, obviously wanting to kill Ye Qianyue directly!

It can be regarded as reaching a consensus. In the eyes of the four elders and three, what the third elder said is not a problem at all. Only by killing Ye Qianyue can the shame suffered by their Situ family be washed away!

Thinking of this, the three elders have completely put behind the three elders' exhortations to them just now.

In their view, no matter how good a woman is, she is more important than power and status.

Although the power of Si Linyuan's Floating Island is not small, they never believed that Si Linyuan would completely tear apart his Situ family for a woman.

It's just a woman, so what's the big deal.

Not knowing that they would die because of this idea in the future, the three elders quickly gathered other people and rushed towards Liucheng.

And here, Ye Qianyue and his party headed in the direction of Tianji City in the horned carriage that was on their way.

The Su family is undoubtedly a difficult person to provoke. Now that Ye Qianyue and the others are gone, the Su family may not easily tell them Su Changxue's whereabouts. At that time, it is inevitable that they will turn against the Su family.

Having already made such a plan, Ye Qianyue is not afraid, but the Su family has a big business after all, and everything should be cautious.

Soon they passed through the forest surrounding Liucheng, and when the wildebeest carriage of Ye Qianyue and his party drove to the road in the forest, three huge boulders like hills fell from the sky, causing a loud bang. With a loud noise, it slammed in front of Ye Qianyue and the others.

Looking vigilantly at the sudden change in front of his eyes, Mingxiu who was driving quickly frowned, and immediately stopped the frightened wildebeest abruptly.

"The visitor is not kind, everyone be careful!" Soon, they felt countless powerful auras rushing towards their direction crazily!


Countless black shadows rushed out quickly, and the long sword in their hands seemed to have eyes, and they stabbed at Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan in the wildebeest carriage.

Clearly feeling the ferocious killing intent emanating from these people, Si Linyuan's brows turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to tightly protect Ye Qianyue in his arms.

The dark red dragon's fire also rushed out quickly, and the scalding temperature was stirred up in the hot flame, and the terrible breath spewed out, causing a burst of heat that almost burned!

Such a high temperature made those menacing people in black feel a burst of fear from the bottom of their hearts. While a layer of sweat was pouring out from their backs, their hairs also trembled!
"Who are you?" His eyes full of coercion swept over the faces of those men in black, and Si Linyuan immediately saw the family emblems on their chests.

(End of this chapter)

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