Chapter 812 Do You Know This Man?
With a red broad sword on his back, the man looked like he was only in his early thirties, and his breath was calm with a trace of indifferent coldness.

It is obviously cold, but in those dark eyes, there is arrogance and coldness, the eyes are as sharp as a knife, as if a light sweep of the eyes can make people tremble!

His face is not as handsome as a boy's. The man's appearance is mature and stable, and his whole person is as stable as Mount Tai. The aura that floats like clouds and smoke is even more unpredictable.

I feel that the man is like a dark thundercloud in the sky, obviously aloof and arrogant on the top of the mountain, but he is full of danger, frivolous and awe-inspiring, which makes people feel a little more fear and panic towards him!

Unaware of the man's aura, the man seemed to be a person with no power of mind, clear and indifferent, but it made people feel more and more frightened.

The danger is completely unaware, not because the man is incompetent, but because the man's level is much higher than them, so he can crush them like this!

Looking at the proud and desolate man, Ye Qianyue couldn't look away for a long time.

As if she was very familiar with the man, Ye Qianyue felt a sudden sharp pain in her head, which made her frown tightly.

"It's him...?" At this moment, Si Linyuan said with some surprise in his tone.

Heart tightened, Ye Qianyue quickly raised her head to look at Si Linyuan, "Linyuan, do you know this man?"

After hearing Ye Qianyue's question, Si Linyuan looked down at her, but was puzzled, "Ah Yue, have you forgotten that when you and I robbed the Red Blood Lotus, he was the one who saved your life?" Life."

"What?!" When we first met, the original owner of this body was injured by Si Linyuan, and lost her memory of that time. Ye Qianyue thought that the owner of this body was lucky, but unexpectedly, at that time she actually Was it rescued?
Now thinking of how he seriously injured Ye Qianyue back then, Si Linyuan still felt very distressed, guilt and apology immediately filled his eyes, "At that time, it was this man who rescued you. He was very powerful. At that time, I wanted to suppress The Dark Demon is no match for him, so he can only give up the Scarlet Blood Lotus."

"In that case, he was also the one who sealed my memory." Saying this, Ye Qianyue looked at the man with doubts in surprise.

The appearance of the man was like throwing a stone into a calm lake, and at that moment, there were waves of uncontrollable fluctuations in Ye Qianyue's heart.

For some reason, she always felt that the man in front of her was very familiar to her.

She doesn't hate this feeling, Ye Qianyue is sure that she has never seen this man before.

I don't know if it was because Ye Qianyue's eyes were too hot, but the man also turned his head and looked at her.

The arrogance and coldness in his eyes turned into sadness the moment he looked at Ye Qianyue. The man's resolute brows were tightly frowned, as if there were thousands of words stuck in his throat, and he could barely speak.

However, without waiting for the man to open his mouth, the Fourth Elder spoke first, "Situ Xiao, the Fourth Elder of the Situ family, today's matter has nothing to do with your Excellency, please take care of our Situ family's face, don't worry too much." Mind your own business, as long as you are willing to leave here, our Situ family will be grateful in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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