Chapter 828
As time goes by, the years are ruthless but treat him with extra gentleness, so that his arrogance has not been worn away, and it is still as sharp as a cold knife in the dark night, making people tremble!
It's not that he doesn't know how difficult the Su family is for him, and he still abides by the agreement with the Su family for so many years in order to get Su Changxue's whereabouts.

However, the Su family didn't really treat him sincerely from the very beginning. If that's the case, then he doesn't need to bear it any longer.

Just like what Ye Qianyue said, he can't just be upright.

There is no reason to deal with a rascal and cunning family like the Su family!
Seeing Ling Zhantian protecting herself without hesitation, Ye Qianyue's lips soon evoked a faint smile, "Daddy, when dealing with scoundrels, fists are far more effective than reason."

The law of the jungle depends on strength. As for reason, it is used on people who are also sensible. Obviously, these people in the Su family do not understand what reason is.

Since the Su family is so domineering and unreasonable, they only need to be more unreasonable than the Su family.

They are not docile sheep, if the Su family wants to confront them head-on, then go ahead, she wants to see what kind of waves the Su family can make!
"Yes, Yue'er, you are right." Clearly feeling that his state of mind has returned to the arrogance and dignity of more than ten years ago, Ling Zhantian felt comfortable in his heart, and immediately exhaled a long breath, and then turned to the night sky. Qianyue smiled heartily, "Let's go, it's time to settle accounts with Su Wuji!"

Nodding with a smile at the moment, Ye Qianyue and his party directly ignored the dull-faced members of the Su family, and under their astonished and fearful eyes, raised their feet and directly broke into the Su family mansion.

Seeing Su Changqing, father and daughter who were lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, everyone came to their senses, and then trembled uncontrollably!

The storm is coming!Their Su family is really in danger this time! !

And when everyone in the Su family was trembling in their hearts, Ye Qianyue and his party quickly broke into the Su family mansion.

Being able to vaguely feel the countless thick auras ambushing in the Su family, Ye Qianyue's eyes changed slightly, and then hearing Ling Zhantian's lips curled up, she sneered softly, "Look Come on, those old monsters of the Su family are all dispatched, this time it's really going to be lively!"


As he said this, Ling Zhantian's face did not show the slightest fear, what was left was a piece of loneliness and arrogance!
Also without the slightest fear, Ye Qianyue and the others simply continued to walk towards the main hall where Su Wuji was!

The Su family did not know Ling Zhantian.

Thinking about Ling Zhantian's usual aura, he was very powerful, and today he looked even more terrifying than before.

Ling Zhantian alone is enough to scare people, let alone Ye Qianyue and the others follow him.

Such a posture is so powerful that no one dares to block it!
But just when Ye Qianyue and his group were going to kill Su Wuji just like that, an old man with white hair and beard was walking slowly towards Ye Qianyue and the others with fluttering feet.

"Ling Zhantian, you have broken the agreement between you and our Su family." The old man's stature looks very light, as if nothing, but his strength is very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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