Chapter 830

And the Su family did try their best to bring Su Changxue back and force her to go out and get married.

They even sent three Niantian Emperors to stop Su Changxue's thoughts, but they didn't expect that they would be run away by Ling Zhantian!
Afterwards, Ling Zhantian directly rushed to the door and turned the entire Su family upside down!

After this point, the hatred between Ling Zhantian and the Su family could not be resolved no matter what.

Rather, Su Wuji has no plans to live in harmony with Ling Zhantian!
He is just a lowly man from the lower continent, he is not worthy at all!

"Stop talking nonsense." Having completely lost his patience, Ling Zhantian looked at Su Wuji with cold eyes, "Tell me the whereabouts of Axue, otherwise, I will destroy the entire Su family."

"Rampant! Really rampant!" Hearing Su Wuji's words, a ferocious and terrifying smile appeared on Su Wuji's face. He was completely enraged. He raised his palm and slapped the table next to him viciously. superior!

There was only a muffled sound, and then the whole table was directly shattered into pieces in Su Wuji's hands!
"Okay! If that's the case, why don't you tear your face apart completely today! I want to see how capable you are!" Su Wuji was obviously very angry, and then he glanced fiercely at everyone's faces, Then he stopped immediately and locked onto Ye Qianyue firmly!

Perfect is not like a real person, Ye Qianyue just stands there, as if thousands of flowers are in full bloom, extremely beautiful!
With perfect appearance and cold temperament, for a moment, Su Wuji even thought he saw Su Changxue!

Back then, Su Changxue was dressed in a blue dress, and her coldness and arrogance attracted the attention of men in the entire Lingyun Continent. She is the flower of Gaoling and the pride of the entire Su family!

Su Changxue at that time was like Ye Qianyue today.

No, it should be said that Ye Qianyue is exactly the same as Su Changxue back then!
Knowing that Su Changxue had a daughter a long time ago, Su Wuji didn't take Ye Qianyue to heart, but unexpectedly she turned out so perfect!
Now the Su family doesn't have many chess pieces suitable for marriage. As long as Ye Qianyue can be trapped, their Su family can give Ye Qianyue away at that time, and then win over that terrible family...

Thinking of good things in his heart, Su Wuji's eyes were somewhat raging, "Hehe, today, I can show mercy and not kill you."

She said in her heart that the old man was probably dreaming and hadn't woken up yet, Ye Qianyue knew what he wanted to do when she saw the way Su Wuji looked at her.

Those were the eyes of the beast when it saw its prey, and it was full of strong use. This Su Wuji obviously wanted to treat her like he treated Su Changxue back then.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue smiled instead of anger.

This slight smile made Ye Qianyue's appearance look more perfect, and also made Su Wuji's eyes a little more excited!
Seeing Su Wuji like that, Ling Zhantian's expression darkened, and then he and Si Linyuan quickly took a step forward, protecting Ye Qianyue tightly behind him.

"What an annoying old man." He was also guarded by Ye Qianyue's side, and the eyes of Mingxiu were also extremely cold, and there was a faint cold light beating in the golden eyes. Going up, directly tore Su Wuji into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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