Chapter 841 I'm doing fine

"My meaning is very simple, that is, we still have to report this matter to the Patriarch, and we can't make a decision." The elder's expression was very serious, "Especially that Ling Zhantian, he is really not easy to mess with!"

They all nodded in agreement, and the third elder looked at the first elder nervously at the moment, "Then I would like to ask the first elder, what should I do about Ye Qianyue's matter? She has at least one fragment of the picture in her hand."

"I know." The Great Elder also had a troubled expression on his face when he heard the words, "The remnant map is certainly important, but neither Ling Zhantian nor Ye Qianyue are easy to provoke, we must not lose the big because of the small, For the time being, don't make any particularly big moves, everything will be discussed after the Patriarch leaves the customs tonight."

Knowing that this may be the only and the best way now, all the elders can only nod their heads at the moment.

And just when the elders were about to disperse, a figure rushed in quickly, and then knelt down in front of the Great Elder and the others with complete panic.

"Elder, it's not good!"

"What are you yelling for?! I'm fine!" Seeing that person seemed to have been greatly frightened, the Great Elder suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and he narrowed his eyes fiercely, abruptly A word was forced out between the teeth, "What happened?"

"Back, back to the Great Elder, Ling Zhantian came to the door with someone, saying that he wanted to take Su Changxue away!" The man was so frightened to death that he tremblingly said such a sentence.

"Crazy! Are they really crazy?! Otherwise, how could they do such a grandiose door-to-door dignitary!!" The Great Elder felt that he was going crazy with anger, so angry that he was about to explode, and immediately shouted He roared, "What are you bastards doing, don't you know how to stop them!"

The man felt that he was going to die wronged, "Grand Elder, the leader is Ling Zhantian, and not only him, the strength of those behind him is also not low, relying on our little strength, and How could it be possible to stop..."

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense here, why don't you hurry up and take me there!" The Great Elder was extremely irritable, he waved his hand immediately, and said to the attendant.

"Yes, yes, please, elders!" But he really didn't dare to waste time, the attendant nodded again and again, and then led the great elder and his party towards the direction where Ye Qianyue and the others were. go.


But before the great elders rushed over, Ye Qianyue and the others had completely stalemate with the younger generation of the Situ family.

"Ye Qianyue, don't go too far." The most outstanding young generation of the Situ family, Situ Huarong's face was covered with layers of cold evil spirit, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the girl over there viciously. Ye Qianyue.

Dressed in a gorgeous red dress, Situ Hua's face was cold with a bit of arrogance, and those eyes that were like weapons of ecstasy were flickering coldly. The arrogance can only be cultivated after being held in the palm of the hand.

As expected of the eldest lady of the family, this bearing alone is definitely not comparable to that of Situ Xin from the Liucheng branch.

(End of this chapter)

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