Chapter 865 Simple and rude
However, when the smell broke into her nostrils, there was a rush of blood, which made her frown instantly, and then she almost vomited it out!
This frightened everyone around him, especially when Si Linyuan's expression changed, he quickly stabilized Ye Qianyue's shoulders, and looked at her with great concern, "Ah Yue, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly feel disgusting..." Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's brows frowned even tighter. The feeling that was about to come out made her feel very uncomfortable, and she just wanted to stay away from these scorched meals. , and then a little farther away.

Ye Yunxiao has always had a rough nerve, so he stretched out his hand and patted his thigh fiercely, "Xiaoyue, you are the one who reacts most directly! Take a look at the dishes on this table. , besides disgusting, can you find any better solution?"

"Second brother, if you say so, the third brother will be very sad." Ye Qianfeng said so, but his eyes kept wandering, and he didn't dare to look at the delicious dishes on the table!
"I have to say I'm sad! If we really ate these things, wouldn't we all be killed directly?!" I couldn't imagine what the food on the table tasted like, although Ye Yunxiao's words were very straightforward. Bai is very rough, but it is very reasonable, so that everyone fell silent together, all with dignified faces, looking at the dark dishes in front of each other, thinking about how to escape this catastrophe .

Even if he turned into a black cat, Mingxiu couldn't change him to sit here and test the poison with everyone!
Although there wasn't much expression on the cat face of Meditation, the golden eyes were filled with regret.

If he had known this earlier, he should have stopped Ye Jingli no matter what he said!

Looking at Ye Jingli's expression of vowing to go to cook, Mingxiu thought that he would have a full meal tonight, but now it seems that whether he can walk out of the dining room alive is still an extremely serious question! !
Unexpectedly, Ye Jingli quickly asked the maids to serve the same pitch-black rice that was hard to look at, knowing the entanglement in the hearts of everyone present.

Unaware of the stiffness on everyone's faces at all, Ye Jingli squeezed in front of Ye Qianyue, and then graciously picked up a dish for Ye Qianyue that she couldn't tell what it was with chopsticks, and put it in her In his bowl, "Sister, eat more!"

Silently bowed a tear of sympathy to Ye Qianyue, Su Changxue felt sorry for her daughter, and was thinking of helping Ye Qianyue eat, but unexpectedly saw Ye Qianyue's body trembling almost convulsively, Then I almost vomited it out!
Such a straightforward, simple and rude action that everyone wanted to do!
However, Ye Qianyue didn't look like she was pretending on purpose. When she almost vomited out, her complexion turned pale, followed by fine cold sweat.

"Ah Yue...!" I have never seen Ye Qianyue, who has always been proud and strong, showing such weakness. Si Linyuan was taken aback, and immediately stretched out his hand, trying to give Ye Qianyue a little care. .

I saw Ye Qianyue took two quick and deep breaths, but her complexion was still not very good-looking. She looked a little weak, and the situation was obviously not good.

(End of this chapter)

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