Chapter 869 You are really cruel girl
Seeing Ye Qianyue being so honest, Shi Qi felt a lot better, "Well, that's right! I just said, you must not be so calm and composed."

"In the face of such a huge treasure, it is rather strange for someone to be calm and calm." After saying this with a smile, Ye Qianyue took a sip of the tea in her cup, "However, although It’s really sad, but I don’t regret it.”

"That's right, no matter what you say, you handed over the map for your mother's sake, and that's understandable." Killing Seven said reasonably.

"That's right, it's still a bit of a pity..." Thinking that so many good treasures are gone all at once, Shi Qi still feels a special pain in his flesh.

"Just don't worry, if the Situ family wants to take my things for themselves, we have to see if they have the ability." Ye Qianyue smiled smugly, and said softly Said.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Shi Qi regained his spirits, "What's the situation? Could it be that you have other good solutions that you didn't mention?"

"After we left, I asked Lin Yuan to send out his men to ambush around Situ's house. As soon as Situ Lingting made any moves, we would immediately follow suit and kill him so that he would be caught off guard!" Ye Qianyue laughed With his shining white teeth, he looks like a cunning fox!

"Hahahaha, good! This is really great!" Shi Qi laughed out loud at the moment, and then swayed around Ye Qianyue, "I knew I didn't misread you, you girl's character is really too It's up to my appetite!"

Hearing the bursts of excitement in Killing Seven's words, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but also smiled, "The Situ family took the initiative to attack me, and they have tortured my mother so much for so many years. , I naturally can't just settle with them like this."

"Okay, okay, you girl is really ruthless!" Shi Qi said, but the expression on his face was still full of excitement, "Then when are we going to beat Situ's family to pieces? "

"I guess it won't be long before that Situ Lingting can't sit still." That being said, Ye Qianyue has already decided to take action in person at that time, trying to get rid of Situ Lingting!
She tried to compromise in front of Situ Lingting before, just to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, so that Situ Lingting would think that she was easy to bully, and when the most critical moment came, she would definitely be able to kill Situ Lingting by surprise!
I can't wait to see Situ Lingting's panicked and shocked expression. Ye Qianyue's life has been so leisurely.

After more than ten days leisurely, Ye Qianyue finally waited for Situ Lingting's next move.

Looking at the secret letter sent by the Qianying faction, Ye Qianyue discovered that the secret letter was actually a gorgeous invitation card made of spar.

"Swire Auction? What is this?" Ye Qianyue raised her brows with interest before having heard of an auction house with this name before, then turned to look at Si Linyuan and the others and asked.

"This is an auction held every ten years when the major forces send people to call for treasures. At this auction, there has never been any money transactions, and some are just bartering things." Si Linyuan stood up at this moment, Then quickly continued to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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