Chapter 879 Why?

This old man's strength is not bad, and he is the strongest among the group of strong men who are second only to Ling Zhantian.

It's just that the old man has always been out of touch with world affairs, so Ye Qianyue never thought that he would see this old guy here.

The old man was obviously in a good mood, and he said to everyone, "I think everyone knows the rules here. Now, please invite all forces to take out the treasure you plan to hand in."

What Ye Qianyue and the others prepared was a bottle of vitality potion that she condensed. This thing is the best for saving lives.

Seeing the members of Situ's family take out a medicinal herb that she didn't like at all, Ye Qianyue secretly sneered, and then quickly turned her gaze to the red-robed people over there.

Who knows, it's okay if you don't look at it. Looking at it this way, Ye Qianyue immediately widened her dark eyes, and then stared at the ancient fragmentary picture handed over by the people in red robes.

That indescribably powerful attraction swept over instantly, making Ye Qianyue's eyes widen further!

She will definitely not admit to the longing that pervades from the bottom of her heart!
It's a remnant picture, what the red-robed man and the others handed over is a remnant picture!
Seeing Ye Qianyue's excited face, Si Linyuan and Mingxiu could guess why she was so excited.

"it is true?"

After hearing Si Linyuan's question, Ye Qianyue's eyes were extremely hot, and she nodded hastily.

Seeing the people in red robes handing over the map, while Ye Qianyue was excited, she was also faintly puzzled.

Judging from the way the red-robed people bought the remnant picture with a lot of money yesterday, they obviously knew the value of the remnant picture. If so, why did they take the initiative to hand over the remnant picture?

For a while, she couldn't figure it out, Ye Qianyue looked at the men in red robes, but she couldn't even see their expressions clearly at the moment.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue had no choice but to give up and immediately looked away.

However, Ye Qianyue did not stop thinking when she looked away.

I thought that leaving the residual image on my body would be a hot potato, and a normal person would not reveal the existence of this kind of treasure, but these red-robed people were lucky enough to just take out the residual image without any scruples. The purpose must not be simple.

Constantly thinking about the plans of the red-robed man and the others in her heart, Ye Qianyue's pensive appearance attracted the attention of meditation.

Seeing the old man Miao Ran put the map in the auction cabinet, Mingxiu raised his golden vertical pupils, and then asked in a low voice, "Ah Yue, are we going to take action on that residual map?"

Before she could figure out what to do, when Ye Qianyue frowned slightly, Si Linyuan had already helped her answer this question, "I think we'd better stay safe, so as not to fall into their trap."

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue's eyes shrank a little, and her dark eyes were fixed on Si Linyuan, obviously waiting for his explanation.

Seeing this, Si Linyuan smiled slightly, and moved to Ye Qianyue's side, "Ah Yue, think about it, if you are those people in red robes, why did you take the initiative to hand over the map?"

Si Linyuan's question made Ye Qianyue ponder for a while, and then said thoughtfully, "If it were me, I would not expose the existence of these maps without fully grasping my own strength. "

(End of this chapter)

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