The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 881 It's obviously for those residual pictures!

Chapter 881 It's obviously for those residual pictures!

In the eyes of everyone, the Situ family's behavior of exchanging supreme-level potions for residual pictures is simply faulty.

No matter what kind of eyes the onlookers looked at them, the people of Situ's family could be said to be overjoyed at the moment, and hurriedly put away the fragile picture.

And soon, the auction ended, and everyone in Situ's family rushed out almost in a hurry. Those who didn't know it thought they had their butts burned by the fire.

Seeing Situ's family leaving, the red-robed people did not hesitate, and immediately chased in the direction where Situ's family left.

Compared with the turmoil of these two groups, Ye Qianyue and his party seemed much calmer.

"With the strength of Situ Lingting and others, they are no match for those red-robed men." Mingxiu stretched out his pink and tender tongue, and licked his glossy hair.

"Hey hey, so we just need to wait until Situ's family is beaten to the ground by those red-robed people before we take action!" At that moment, Shi Qi's voice was a little excited, and he jumped from Ye Qianyue's scepter all of a sudden. Passed out in the space.

Immediately raised her brow vigorously, Ye Qianyue said angrily and amusedly, "You old rascal, do you know you're showing off at this time?"

Shi Qi smiled a little embarrassedly, and immediately said loudly, "Girl, don't despise me, with me here, there are many people who will help you!"

"You guys don't make trouble for me, I'm already thankful." After slowly getting up, Ye Qianyue and his group left the space after chasing the aura of Situ Lingting.

"Girl, you can't say that, I'm doing it for your own good~" Those emerald-colored clear eyes were full of innocence, Shi Qi curled her lips, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"Come on, why are you doing it for me? You are obviously doing it for those remnants!" Seeing Shi Qi's greasy and crooked appearance, Ye Qianyue exposed him mercilessly.

"I'm for Remnant Picture, and I'm also for you! That's a big treasure, even you can't be indifferent." Killing Qi said so, blinking his eyes, looking heartlessly at Ye Qian Yue kept laughing.

"I really have nothing to do with you!" Looking at Shi Qi, Ye Qianyue said sincerely.

"Whatever you say, anyway, I have to leave one of those guys in red clothes to me, otherwise, my old bones will be out of order." My favorite thing is to join in the fun and fight. Qi said this sincerely.

In this regard, Ye Qianyue also had no choice but to nod slightly at the moment.

Anyway, there happened to be four people in red robes, one for each of them, and they were indeed relatively harmonious.

And when Ye Qianyue and the others leisurely rushed towards Situ Lingting and the others, they could clearly feel that the aura around Situ Lingting was gradually weakening.

It was obvious that he had been seriously injured, and the aura of Situ Lingting made the eyes of Ye Qianyue and the others a little more vigilant.

The pace under their feet became faster, and Ye Qianyue and the others followed their breath, and quickly rushed to the woods on the outskirts of Taikoo City.

"Pfft!" Among the red-robed men, one shot immediately, and then punched hard, causing Situ Lingting to spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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