Chapter 885
Seeing Situ Lingting's shocked face, Ye Qianyue just smiled softly, "Patriarch Situ, you are in such a hurry, where do you want to go?"

"Ye Qianyue! I warn you, stay away from me!" Situ Lingting looked at Ye Qianyue, and felt that Ye Qianyue at this moment was like an evil spirit from hell, and the aura all over her body was so cold!

Situ Lingting is not an idiot, he and Ye Qianyue had already had a falling out, the reason why Ye Qianyue appeared here is self-evident!

"You can't even build a space wormhole, and you still have the intention to threaten me. It seems that you are still very energetic." Ye Qianyue's lips curled into a faint smile, and she looked at Situ Ling faintly. Ting.

Originally, she thought that Situ Lingting would build a space wormhole to escape, but who knew that this guy suffered far more serious injuries than she imagined, and the thought power in his body was not even enough for him to build a space wormhole.

She thought that those red-robed people were ruthless enough to attack, Ye Qianyue thought it would be a good thing for herself, so she stopped being entangled and showed a slight smile instead.

Looking at Ye Qianyue's sweet and moving smile, Situ Lingting couldn't feel the slightest beauty, but was shocked and even the hairs on his back were completely trembling at this moment.

What Ye Qianyue said is right, he can't even construct a space wormhole, so he is not Ye Qianyue's opponent at all!

"Ye Qianyue, do you want the remnants? Okay, okay! I'll give you all the remnants, I just hope, no, I just beg you to spare my life!" Situ Lingting quickly said The three remnants were taken out, and under Ye Qianyue's still murderous gaze, relying on the little thought power left in her body, she divided the three remnants into three directions and launched them, and then she turned around and walked away. run!

"You really know how to play tricks." Seeing the three remnant pictures split into three directions and shoot towards the surroundings, Ye Qianyue chuckled lightly, and immediately tapped her forehead.

The silver-white spiritual power quickly condensed into three essence marks, which were pasted on the three residual pictures.

Following one of them, Ye Qianyue rushed out.

Knowing that Ye Qianyue would definitely go after Remnant Map first, Situ Ling Ting was still 1 reluctant, but no matter how important Remnant Map was, it was not as important as his life!

It's not the kind of person who wants a baby but not his life. At this critical moment of life and death, Situ Lingting still knows how to choose!

However, before Situ Lingting could run far, a breath that made him tremble quickly caught up with him!

Turning his head away in shock, Situ Lingting looked at Ye Qianyue as if he was a goddess of hell, and there was a bloodthirsty aura in his dark eyes, and he rushed towards him quickly.

"Don't come here!" Situ Lingting screamed out of fear.

Watching Ye Qianyue rushing towards him in horror, Xu Su's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness in Situ Lingting's eyes, then he stretched out his hand without thinking, took out a few ordinary shells, and directly He threw it at Ye Qianyue.

"How dare you use cannonballs?" Seeing Situ Lingting's actions, Ye Qianyue just sneered disdainfully, "These are all leftovers from my old days!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianyue snapped her fingers lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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