Chapter 891 We Are Enemies

But while terrifying, Ye Qianyue is also a very reasonable person.

And once she became friends with Ye Qianyue, she was the kind of person who could do anything for her friends.

So, instead of being an endless enemy with her, it is better to be a friend with her.

In other words, even if you can't be friends with Ye Qianyue, at least you can't be enemies with her.

"You should already know where the three maps in my hand come from." Ye Qianyue knew that Beigong Huoyin was also a discerning person, so she looked at him with a smile.

"Of course I know, not only I know, but also the elders in our clan." Beigong Huoyin's reaction seemed very flat, as if he didn't mind Ye Qianyue killing their Beigong family members at all, "but It’s just a few ordinary clansmen who failed to complete the task, we Beigong clan, but we never raise useless idlers.”

Having said this calmly, Beigong Huoyin gently cast a meaningful look at Ye Qianyue over there, "Besides, if it weren't for their deaths, I wouldn't have had the chance to meet with you again." You meet."

"According to what you said, I regret killing those three people." As Ye Qianyue's husband, Si Linyuan naturally understands how attractive she is, and even more so, why these men want to approach Ye Qianyue!
However, as long as he is around for a day, these men don't want to touch Ye Qianyue in the slightest.

After hearing Si Linyuan's words, Beigong Huoyin raised his eyes lightly, and there was a little bit of cold light in those blood-red eyes, "I'm here to form an alliance, not to form an enmity. King Shura probably didn't You have to be so vigilant against me."

"Your thoughts, I know very well." In order not to let Beigong Huoyin take this matter lightly, Huang Beiyan said this in a cold tone.

"Since you are clear, it will save me a lot of talking." Beigong Huoyin pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Qianyue.

With a smile on his face in the blink of an eye, Beigong Huoyin continued slowly, "Xiaoyue'er, as long as you are willing to form an alliance with us, I can give you the big head."

"How to say?" Hearing the words, Ye Fei raised her brows high and asked immediately.

"What our Beigong family needs is just one thing. As long as you get that thing, you can take all the other treasures. Our Beigong family will never compete with you." Looking at Ye Qianyue's expression Still, those dark eyes were full of temptation, Beigong Huoyin spread his hands helplessly, "Xiaoyue'er, why don't you trust me just once. Think about it, I've known you for so long, Did it hurt you?"

"We are enemies." Logically speaking, Beigong Huoyin could be turned into the remnants of the Dark Demon. If so, then they and Beigong Huoyin would be eternal enemies.

"Xiaoyue'er, what you said is not right." Beigong Huoyin obviously disagreed with Ye Qianyue's words, "It should be said that we used to be enemies."

"What do you Beigong family want?" I have to admit that the conditions offered by Beigong Huoyin are too tempting for her. Ye Qianyue can't refuse, so she can only understand as much as possible. more.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue finally became interested, Bei Gong Huo Yin couldn't help being happy.

(End of this chapter)

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