Chapter 902 Come to My Arms
Immediately, they all realized that this time the Mo family's competition has no restrictions, so it will naturally attract some unfriendly people.

Not minding such trivial matters, after Ye Qianyue changed the entry card, she casually found a quiet place, sat down and closed her eyes to rest her mind.

Shui Yinyin also sat down beside Ye Qianyue obediently and calmly, her pure eyes gleamed with water, cold and wise.

Needless to say, Ye Qianyue, as a natural luminous body, attracted countless eyes as soon as she appeared.

As for Shui Yinyin, although her appearance is not as good as Ye Qianyue's, her cold aura is also very charming.

Such stunning people gathered together, looking weak and weak sitting there, people can't help but want to go up to strike up a conversation.

And there was someone who was both lustful and courageous, stepped forward quickly, and immediately stood in front of Ye Qianyue and the others.

Ye Qianyue seemed to be asleep, without any expression on her face, her rosy white delicate skin seemed to be fat, and her slender eyelashes cast a hard patch on her face, which made people even more unbearable.

He swallowed his saliva almost subconsciously, the man's face was full of lewdness, and he looked at Shui Yinyin with raised eyebrows, "Hey, little girl, what's the point of sitting here? Why don't you come and accompany brother, save the trouble Lonely!"

After saying this frivolously, the man's presumptuous eyes did not forget to sweep Ye Qianyue's face fiercely, "And this beautiful girl, it's so cold to sleep here, why don't you come into my arms! "

"You're presumptuous!" Shui Yinyin's pretty face turned cold, and she let out a cold snort, then she flew up a palm, turned into a hand knife, and slashed at the man's neck directly.

Although he is very wretched, the man's strength is obviously not low. He smiled wretchedly at that moment, and then easily dodged sideways.

"Oh, it's still a flower with thorns! It really suits my appetite!" As the man said so, a ball of flames quickly gathered in his palm, and he patted towards Shui Yinyin.

Feeling that the man's strength should be a bit stronger than her own, Shui Yinyin frowned slightly, and was about to attack with all her strength, but suddenly saw a group of fiery red and golden flames shooting out suddenly, and then It fell on the man like raindrops.

"Ah? What is this... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" At first, I looked down on such a pitiful little flame of Fenghunhuo, but before the man could sneer contemptuously, the phoenixhunhuo suddenly swelled up, and then immediately burst into flames. pervades the man's body.

The ear-piercing screams made the hearts of the onlookers tremble slightly, and then seeing the strong man who was at the peak of Nian Sheng being tightly wrapped by the flames, there were ear-piercing screams from their throats .

The expression on her face was always calm, Ye Qianyue didn't even open her eyes, and waved her hand gently.

With a slow wave, a wind blade instantly condensed and sent the man flying.

There was a scream like a slaughtered pig in his throat, and the man fell heavily on the ground, two of his bones were broken. Although the flames on his body dissipated, his body was scorched black, and he looked involuntarily. Take a deep breath.

"If you don't want to die, just get out of here." The cold and pleasant voice sounded like jade colliding, which made people tremble. Ye Qianyue kept her eyes closed from the beginning to the end, with absolute contempt, Let everyone present be as quiet as a chilling cicada, not daring to be presumptuous any more.

(End of this chapter)

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