Chapter 909 I ate you!

Seeing that there was another person coming over, Jiao Lei Beast ignored the large and small wounds on his body, stood up with a grin, his face was full of horror, and roared viciously at Ye Qianyue and the others.

"Roar—! Humans, if you don't want to die, leave quickly!" He has become a gatekeeper, and the arrogant Thunder Beast's face is full of ferociousness, as if it will pounce in the next second. Come up and tear open the throats of Ye Qianyue and the others.

"It seems that you still deserve a beating. After being beaten like this, you still don't forget to watch the door for your new master." Looking at the arrogant thunder beast, Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

A ferocious look suddenly appeared in the eyes, as if the Pride Thunder Beast had been poked into a sore spot, it yelled viciously, "Shut up!"

"Miss Qianyue, don't provoke it." Shui Yinyin didn't know what Ye Qianyue was thinking, so she stopped her quickly, and then said quickly, "In order to tame the monster, we can't be too reckless, that mountain Your Majesty must be very difficult to deal with, if we get into trouble with the Thunder Beast, then our situation will be really dangerous."

"Hmph! It's too late to say this now, I'm going to eat you today!" Injured and tied here again, the Pride Thunder Beast's physical strength has been almost completely exhausted, and it needs to replenish it most.

But at this moment, he was trapped here again, and that scary guy was still in the cave. He couldn't break free from the chain around his neck, so he could only eat the two humans in front of him to replenish his strength!
As he said that, the arrogant thunder beast twisted violently, made an attacking posture, and stared at Ye Qianyue and the two menacingly!
But at this moment, there was a depressing roar suddenly in the cave that had been quiet all this time.

The horrific roar was as deafening as thunder, and the arrogant Thunder Beast, who was still murderous a second ago, let out a scream in an instant, and crawled on the ground in horror, its huge copper bell-like eyes were filled with thick fear, even That huge body trembled slightly.

But at this moment, there seemed to be some huge monster moving in the cave, and the footsteps gradually approached, making the hairs on Shui Yinyin's back tremble, and the whole person was on alert, waiting for the appearance of the beast.

However, compared to Shui Yinyin's nervousness, Ye Qianyue looked very calm, with a faint smile on her lips.

The footsteps were getting closer, and Shui Yinyin felt her scalp explode.

Holding her breath, Shui Yinyin watched a black shadow approaching them more and more.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer!

But when Shui Yinyin was ready to fight to the death with that giant monster, a cute little black cat came out slowly with a bit of laziness.

There was inherent nobility in the golden eyes, and there was a layer of icy chill in the eyes of the little black cat, and after seeing Ye Qianyue, he smiled softly.

That's right, it's just a smile, this black cat is obviously just a cat, but it can show such a smiling expression, it really surprised Shui Yinyin.

What is even more surprising is the behavior of the arrogant thunder beast at this moment.

Obviously, it could kill the little black cat with one paw, but the Thunder Beast seemed to have seen some scourge. Its huge body was curled up and trembling, obviously very scared.

 Concubine is not feeling well today and needs to take a break, so I will update Chapter 5 in the morning and continue in the afternoon. I hope you will forgive me~~
(End of this chapter)

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