The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 911 is more useful than I thought

Chapter 911 is more useful than I thought

"Thunder attribute energy is not acceptable. I can't even control this kind of energy. How can I subdue monsters?" Shui Yinyin quickly refused.

"I can see that the reason you can't control the thunder energy is because the energy in your body is too pure, so it is inevitable that you will be a little violent. After subduing the arrogant thunder beast, this kind of violence will be suppressed." Knowing that Shui Yinyin and Ye Qianyue has a good relationship, and Mingxiu is also willing to help her.

"Really?!" Shui Yinyin's eyes lit up without expecting such a good thing.

Nodding slightly, Mingxiu looked at the arrogant thunder beast, "Be tamed obediently, and I will spare your life."

"Wow——" nodded hastily, the Thunder Beast must have chosen to survive, and immediately used its big head like a dog's leg to arch Shui Yinyin.

"Good boy, you will be my contracted beast from now on." Thinking of this, Shui Yinyin couldn't wait to mobilize her spiritual power between her brows, and began to sign a contract with Jiaolei Beast.

Watching quietly, Ye Qianyue waited for Shui Yinyin to finish her work.

Because the Thunder Beast was voluntary, it didn't take too much time to sign the contract. It only took two hours and the contract was completed.

I saw that the arrogant thunder beast's eyes were less violent and more docile, looking at Shui Yinyin quietly and obediently.

Although the chains around the beast's neck had been untied, the large and small wounds on its body still looked shocking. Shui Yinyin immediately took out the potion to heal the beast's wounds.

It is obvious that he is very good at treating the wounds of Warcraft, and soon, the wounds on the Jiao Lei Beast disappeared.

Seeing this, Shui Yinyin smiled in satisfaction, and then, together with Ye Qianyue, quickly left the Demonic Beast Forest in Yinshan Mountain.

The ones who came back were undoubtedly very early, but Ye Qianyue never expected that someone would be one step earlier than them.

I saw that the two women who looked almost exactly the same had arrogance on their faces, like proud peacocks, they were Shui Yang'er.

But at this moment, behind them are two phoenix phoenix birds, one blue and one blue.

Speaking of this phoenix bird, it is also a very high-level monster, with a proud nature and extremely difficult to tame.

However, the two phoenix phoenixes behind Shuiyang'er and the others are very obedient, standing behind them very docilely.

"These two people are more useful than I thought." After saying this softly, Ye Qianyue turned around and took Shui Yinyin to walk a little further.

Standing with Shui Yang'er and those two, she felt that she was undervalued.

What she dislikes the most is the kind of person who wants to come and step on others when they are down. Ye Qianyue doesn't have a good impression of Shui Yang'er at all.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue actually saw them and left, Shui Yaoer didn't chase after them, but she snorted sarcastically, "Sister, look at that woman, after seeing the Phoenix Luanniao we tamed, I dare not come here."

"No, our Fengluanniao is the strongest." Equally proud, Shuiyang'er looked faintly at Mingxiu in Ye Qianyue's hand, and sneered, "Hahaha, they tamed What is that thing? It's just an ordinary black cat, and it's not too shabby to dare to take it out!"

"Yeah, it would be best if we could meet these two people later, when the time comes, hehe..." Shui Yaoer said with an evil smile.

(End of this chapter)

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