Chapter 917 Hit it for me!
Although she looked at Shui Yang'er and the two of them, Ye Qianyue said to Shui Yinyin, "If I hadn't promised to leave these two people to you to deal with, I guess I couldn't help but rush up now Beat them both together."

"I know, Miss Qianyue is a very trustworthy person." Shui Yinyin smiled gratefully at Ye Qianyue, then turned her head slightly, looked at the arrogant thunder beast, "Lei'er, I want you Give me a helping hand!"

"Hey, master, don't worry!" The Thunder Beast has been tamed by Shui Yinyin, and now Shui Yinyin's words are like an imperial decree to it.

Nodding in satisfaction, Shui Yinyin raised her head to look at Shui Yang'er and the two of them, her eyes instantly became extremely cold, "Shui Yang'er, Shui Yao'er, the shame you gave me before should be taken back by me now Already!"

The cold words coupled with the cold expression made Shui Yang'er and the two of them stunned for a moment.

I think Shui Yinyin's strength has only weakened in the past two years. She used to be the proud daughter of the Shui family, the strongest daughter in the eyes of everyone.

At that time, she was so arrogant that no one dared to underestimate her!
They couldn't help being stunned for a moment, Shui Yang'er and the two felt uncontrollable fear in their hearts.

However, Shui Yinyin didn't care about the two of them, as soon as her mind moved, the arrogant thunder beast rushed towards Shui Yang'er like a wild horse that had run loose.

"Sister! Don't be afraid. Although our Fengluanniao is slightly weaker than the arrogant thunder beast, we have two monsters. Together, we will definitely be able to defeat the arrogant thunder beast!" Shui Yaoer said so, On the face, there is also a bit of vigilance and prudence.

A drop of cold sweat fell from the forehead very quickly, Shui Yang'er nodded, and then the two of them got on their own Fengluan, and controlled Fengluan directly to the sky!
"Roar? Want to run?" Julei Beast watched Feng Luanniao take off, and a low growl filled with strong displeasure was squeezed out of its throat, and then four balls almost snow-white quickly rose under its four claws. The thunder and lightning helped it to rush towards the two phoenix phoenix birds in the air at an extremely fast speed.

"Feng, Aluan! Beat it down for me!" Because the rules of the competition can only use tamed monsters to fight, and the beast tamer can't make a move until the moment of life and death, otherwise he will be directly disqualified from the competition, so the water It was not easy for Yang'er and the two of them to make a move, so they could only nervously order the two Fengluanniao under him! .

"Jie—!" The two phoenix phoenix birds were not ignorant of the danger, and an angry roar erupted from their throats, and then the two phoenix phoenix birds opened their mouths wide at the same time, and finally condensed into two balls. The huge whirlwind spat fiercely towards the arrogant thunder beast over there!

"Hmph, both of you are my defeated opponents. Even if you are in a group, you are not my opponent." Except for meditation, the arrogant thunder beast has lived for such a long time, and has never been afraid of anyone. With a cold snort, he opened his mouth in the same way.

I saw a huge ball of thunder condensed in an instant, and then slammed into each other through the attacks of the two phoenix phoenix birds!
Suddenly, there was a strong fluctuation in the energy between the sky and the earth, and the howling smoke filled the air, and the divine sword covered the figures in the air.

"Ahem, cough, where's the person? Where did Shui Yinyin go?" Shui Yaoer yelled in confusion when she didn't see Shui Yinyin following her from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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