Chapter 923 You Are So Impetuous

"Miss, please don't worry about this, our Mo family is also reasonable, and we will not make more excessive demands." Mo Chen looked at Ye Qianyue seriously, "As long as Ye Qianyue takes our Mo family members with him Yes, after arriving at the destination, whether to live or die depends on each person's ability, Miss does not need to worry about our Mo family."

"Since it's all said and done, then I naturally don't need to refuse." At that time, whether life or death will depend on the Mo family's own ability, and Ye Qianyue is only responsible for bringing the Mo family members there. , which is nothing.

"Hehe, thank you so much, Miss!" Seeing Ye Qianyue agreeing, Mo Cheng couldn't wait to clap his hands, "Ning'er, come in."

"Yes, Daddy." A woman's sweet voice came from outside the door, and then a girl in a purple dress with a bit of heroism between her brows pushed open the door and walked in with big strides.

The woman has short black hair, just reaching her shoulders, and her purple eyes are full of natural charm.

But the character is full of heroism that only men have. The combination of charm and heroism on the woman's body is unique and touching.

"This is my daughter, Mo Ning." Ye Qianyue introduced Mo Ning with a smile, and Mo Cheng quickly winked at several elders with deep breaths.

I saw the first elder, second elder and third elder standing up directly.

"This time, our Mo family has sent a total of four people, and we hope that Miss will be successful." Mo Chen said with a bit of anxiety, staring at Ye Qianyue.

Having already promised Mo Cheng, Ye Qianyue will not go back on what she says, "My ugly words are up front. No matter what dangers you encounter at that time, your Mo family will just be your Mo family. Your life and death have nothing to do with me." Where they are going , is undoubtedly extremely dangerous, and there will be no mistakes at that time!
Ye Qianyue is not a person who likes to meddle in other people's affairs. If something goes wrong with the Mo family, she really doesn't have the time to help them.

"Miss, please don't worry about this, we all know it well." Mo Ning has a mature and calm personality that her peers don't have, and she also nodded slightly at Ye Qianyue, with a calm look.

"This is the best way." Saying that, Ye Qianyue turned her eyes to look at Mo Cheng, "Since I have already agreed, can the master of the Mo family hand over the remnant picture to me now?"

"Yes, miss, please wait a moment." The map is a very important thing, and Mo Cheng has always protected it well, and it will take a certain amount of time to get it now.

Waiting quietly, Ye Qianyue noticed that Mo Ning's gaze was always on her.

Seemingly admiring her, Mo Ning saw that Ye Qianyue turned her gaze to herself, and said excitedly, "I've heard of Miss's name a long time ago, and I know that Miss's strength is very strong, so in private I admire Miss very much, but unexpectedly, I am lucky enough to go on an adventure with Miss, it is really an honor for me."

It felt like Mo Ning was looking at her as if she was looking at an idol. Ye Qianyue had never been admired so enthusiastically before, so she felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.

It's true that she's not used to being admired so much, Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Ning's sparkling eyes, and then said calmly, "Miss Mo, you'd better calm down, you will inevitably suffer if you are so impetuous. "

(End of this chapter)

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