The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 952 Don't Regret If You Don't Go

Chapter 952 Don't Regret If You Don't Go

The huge sarcophagus seems to be formed naturally, connected to the ground, and it is much larger than ordinary human coffins.

"If there is a human corpse inside, it must be at least a giant over two meters tall." The great elder of the Mo family sighed as he looked at the sarcophagus.

Looking around again, Shi Qi frowned suspiciously, "Girl, didn't you say that the entrance to the underground palace is here? Why didn't I find it?"

"The entrance is indeed here." With bursts of cold light beating in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue directly raised her hand and pointed to the huge sarcophagus in the center, "The entrance is inside that sarcophagus."

The sarcophagus is natural, and the entrance cannot be hidden under the sarcophagus, so it can only be hidden inside the sarcophagus.

"Ah? Then we have to open the coffin?" Mo Ning said, with strong disgust in his eyes, "Who on earth thought of hiding the entrance of the underground palace in the coffin? It's too tasteful."

"It's really quite bad taste." Ye Qianyue obviously agreed with Mo Ning's words, and immediately nodded, "However, no matter how bad the taste is, we have to open the coffin."

There is no objection to this, Beigong Huoyin raised the corners of her lips immediately, "Then, who is better to entrust this task of opening the coffin?"

"There may be some organs hidden in this coffin, and the person who opens the coffin must be careful." Si Linyuan glanced at Ye Qianyue, and his golden eyes were filled with a bit of a smirk, "Ah Yue, I You understand what I mean."

"Of course." The corners of the bright red lips curled up, and Ye Qianyue also narrowed her eyes with a bit of mischief, "There must be a lot of organs in this sarcophagus, but it doesn't matter, we are here, but There is an expert who can resist all physical attacks."

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, everyone suddenly understood, and then swept their eyes away, all looking at Shi Qi over there.

Being stared at by everyone with that kind of 'fiery' gaze, Shi Qi was furious, "Don't take you to bully people like this, even if I am a soul body, you can't treat me like this!"

Facing the anger of Killing Seven, Ye Qianyue smiled and tried to persuade her, "Killing Seven, you are our senior, and you have experienced many things, and you are a soul body. ah?"

"Hmph, don't say nice words." Killing Seven would not be fooled.

"Then how about I refine a few bottles of better potions for you to strengthen your soul?" Ye Qianyue threw out the bait.

"How many bottles? How many bottles are there?" Shi Qi was a little moved.

"Two bottles?" Seeing Shi Qi moaning at her, Ye Qianyue had no choice but to raise the price, "Three bottles."

"Five bottles!" Killing Qi waved his big hand, haggling like an old child.

"A compromise, let's have four bottles." Ye Qianyue thought for a while, the potions she made for Killing Seven were all very complicated, five bottles would be too much time wasting, and Killing Seven wouldn't need that much.

"Hmph!" Killing Qi was very upset as if the old man didn't want to go.

This is simply bullying!These juniors know to take advantage of him!

"Ziqi, this is the entrance to the underground palace, don't regret it if you don't go." Ye Qianyue seemed to have thought of something, and said seductively, "Don't forget, there are treasures in the underground palace that can help you reincarnated."

 There will be updates after 2 pm~~~Please ask for tickets and rewards~~
(End of this chapter)

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