Chapter 954 The Same Charm

Unable to see what was drawn on the woman's body, Shi Qi beckoned to Ye Qianyue and the others curiously, "There is no danger, you all come here."

After hearing Shi Qi's words, Si Linyuan removed the barrier, but he didn't dare to be careless. He still carefully protected Ye Qianyue behind him, and then walked towards Shi Qi.

I don't have the mood to care about that, at this moment Shi Qi's face is full of curiosity, looking at the charm on the woman's wrist, Shi Qi seems to have thought of something, "Look, the woman is a pattern drawn on the wrist, is it Isn't it exactly the same as the spell drawn with gemstones on the mountain wall just now?"

Now the mountain wall has been pierced by poisonous arrows, and even the gemstones on it are scattered all over the place, and the original shape cannot be seen.

However, Ye Qianyue has always been very sensitive to these things, so she took a step forward and observed it carefully.

Looking at the woman's wrist, Ye Qianyue looked at the small coffins gathered around the sarcophagus, and saw that the same spells were drawn on these small coffins, "Look, there are also the same spells on these small coffins. "

"Indeed there is." Beigong Huoyin looked at the woman in the sarcophagus, narrowing her blood-red eyes slightly, "What does this spell represent?"

"The man we saw down there just now is not the elder of the Snow God Clan, maybe this woman is also an important figure in the Snow God Clan. The Snow God Clan has always worshiped gods, and it is very likely that they used them to pray. "Mingxiu said this, but his brows were rarely frowned, and he put his hand in front of his nose, with a bit of disgust in his eyes, "What is this smell, why is it so pungent?"

"Pungent? Isn't it very fragrant? Is there something wrong with this fragrance?" Mo Ning's sense of smell is naturally not as good as that of meditation, but they just feel that the fragrance is very strong. There is nothing wrong with it.

"I don't know, I just think it's very pungent, and I seem to have smelled this kind of smell somewhere." Mingxiu frowned puzzled, but showed a puzzled look.

"As long as it's not harmful to the body, it shouldn't be a problem." Killing Seven looked at Mingxiu, "Xiao Hei Hei, is it because your nose is too sensitive that this happens?"

"I don't know." It was true that there was something wrong with the fragrance, but after meditating for a while, he couldn't figure out where the problem was.

"There is no major problem for the time being, we can continue first." Mingxiu thought about it carefully, and then counted to Ye Qianyue and the others.

After hearing Mingxiu's words, Ye Qianyue and the others nodded.

Carefully cleared out all the sacrificial objects, and no one found anything wrong.

After removing all the sacrificial objects, the entire coffin was quite empty, making the beautiful woman look weaker and weaker.

A secret door was exposed under the woman's body, leading directly to the bottom, but the woman's body was completely pressed against the secret door. If everyone didn't move the woman away, they couldn't open the secret door and enter the underground palace.

Lying quietly in the sarcophagus like this, the woman's cheeks showed a healthy pink color, and even the skin was soft, not showing the stiffness of the corpse at all, but the woman had fine wounds on her neck, and her trachea was even more severed. If it is cut off directly, it is impossible to be alive.

(End of this chapter)

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