Chapter 971 I'm in trouble

Mingxiu explained at this moment, and his golden eyes did not forget to glance at Beigong Huoyin, "The reason why Guimen Mountain is called this name is because people who go up the mountain will see dead souls, but I didn't think of the people of your Beigong family. , actually hiding there."

"Undead or something, it's just a trick to coax people." Beigong Huoyin pulled a smile from the corner of his lips, and then waved his hand lightly, and a cloud of pitch-black smoke turned into the shape of a skull. It's really kind of scary and hideous.

"This is the dead soul that can scare people out of their courage." Seeing that Beigong Huoyin waved his hand, and the skull-shaped smoke disappeared, Ye Qianyue asked curiously, "What about you, Your status in the Beigong family should not be low."

Sure enough, as Ye Qianyue guessed, Beigong Huoyin smiled softly, and then said slowly, "I am the current patriarch of the Beigong family."

"No wonder." No wonder Beigong Huoyin was able to suppress the elders of the Beigong family at the very beginning. It turned out that this guy was the patriarch of the Beigong family.

"Okay, let's just talk here, we should set off." Beigong Huoyin said so, and took out a miniature carriage no more than half the size of a palm from his ring.

It is said to be a carriage, but in fact there are no horses, but only carts.

However, the wheels of this car were faintly surrounded by black flames, which looked unusual at first glance.

"This is the Heiyan car that I usually use for traveling. The spiritual imprint on this car is the same as the one set by the head of the Beigong family, so even if no one is driving, you can go directly to Guimen Mountain." , Beigong Huoyin walked out of the room and came to an open space, and threw the Heiyan car out.

Immediately after chanting a few spells, the Heiyan chariot also rapidly swelled, and then turned into a luxurious carriage five times the size of an ordinary carriage.

Opening the door curtain, the things in the carriage are also very complete, it can be said that there is everything there should be.

"Okay, let's all get in the car." Beigong Huoyin said to everyone who jumped into the Heiyan car first.

After packing up their luggage casually and bringing a lot of food by the way, everyone got into the car together.

The inside of the carriage is very spacious, even if everyone gets into the carriage, it will not appear crowded at all.

And at the front of the carriage, there is a compass, which shows the directions of all parties. As long as the power of thought is instilled in it, the Heiyan carriage can start.

"Go back to my home." Beigong Huoyin ordered in a flat tone as he raised his hand and poured his thoughts into Heiyan's car.

With the power of thought and knowledge, Hei Yanche seemed to have a sense of mind, immediately soared into the sky, and then quickly rushed towards the direction of a ghost mountain.

The speed was very fast, and black flames continuously emerged from the wheels of the black flame car, burning blazingly.

Originally, they thought they could reach the main family of the Beigong family without any obstacles, but when they first arrived at Guimen Mountain, they had to stop.

"Jie—!" Suddenly, the angry neighing of a bird came from outside the car, which sounded a little heart-shattering.

"Everyone get up, we're in trouble." Beigong Huoyin frowned impatiently, and then woke up everyone who was still awake.

(End of this chapter)

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