Chapter 976 Someone?who is it?
After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Beigong Huoyin was not angry or frustrated, but just smiled softly, "It's okay, maybe you will change your mind very soon, I can wait for you."

"I don't think you can wait until that day." Ye Qianyue's tone was soft, and she smiled slightly at Beigong Huoyin.

"Put this topic aside for now, let's move on." Beigong Huoyin has always been a strange person. At this moment, he was not angry, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and then led everyone to continue towards go forward.

They have never seen Beigong Huoyin show such a smiling expression, and everyone in Beigong's family feels very miraculous.

Isn't their patriarch always serious, what happened today?
Beigong Huoyin's cold face was never seen before, and everyone in the Beigong family felt very surprised at this moment.

Completely ignoring the gazes projected by the members of the Beigong family, they walked all the way forward, passed through the fairyland-like garden corridor, and finally arrived in front of the main hall.

From a distance, I saw a few powerful men with strong breaths walking quickly, with extremely anxious expressions on their faces.

Seeing a gorgeous robe and Beigong Huoyin approaching slowly, those strong men's eyes lit up, and then rushed over immediately, saluting Beigong Huoyin in unison, "Welcome the patriarch back."

"Yeah, thanks to my ability, if it was someone else, it might not be possible to come back alive." Regarding the enthusiasm of the elders, Beigong Huoyin's expression was full of coldness.

"Patriarch, we can explain this matter." The Great Elder said in a frightened voice, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"You'd better give me a reasonable explanation." Seeing the trembling look of the Great Elder, Beigong Huoyin coldly put down these few words, and took Ye Qianyue and his party with large strides People entered the main hall.

After sitting down and serving tea, the First Elder still stood there tremblingly, not daring to take a step forward.

Glancing at the Great Elder coldly, Beigong Huoyin's voice was extremely cold, "Speak, I will give you a chance to explain." The Great Elder has always been in charge of the Dark Phoenix, and he was the one who insisted on letting the Dark Phoenix be the leader. The first line of defense of Guimen Mountain, now that something happened, it is natural to ask him, "How did you promise me when you raised the Dark Phoenix? You promised that there would be no problems. It's good now, you actually dared to let all the Dark Phoenixes out, Great Elder, you raised those Dark Phoenixes, you should know better than me how violent they are in this season!"

"Yes, please calm down the patriarch." The elder wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Patriarch, in fact, we did not release these Dark Phoenixes, but someone let them go."

"Someone? Who is it?" Beigong Huoyin's eyes sank slightly, and he asked coldly.

"I don't know..." The Great Elder's face was also very ugly, and he said tremblingly.

"Ridiculous! Do you mean that after our Beigong family's defense line was broken through, we still don't know it at all!" Beigong Huoyin waved his hand vigorously, with bursts of fierce light dancing in his eyes, "Go Find out, let me find out, no matter what, find out who that person is! I want to see who has the guts to touch our Beigong family's monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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