Chapter 978

Nodding her head lightly, Ye Qianyue was about to thank her, but she saw the 'bison' rushing in just now.

Hearing this sentence as soon as he entered the door, Bei Gongxiong raised his brows high, and looked at Ye Qianyue over there.

After such a long time, Ye Qianyue's lower abdomen has protruded slightly.

Although it was slight, Kitamiyao could still see it.

Raising his rough eyebrows, Bei Gongxiong's laughter was like thunder, "Hahahaha, I didn't expect my cousin to have such a good ability. He actually made a little doll in advance before getting married. If it spreads , I'm afraid our Beigong family will become lively again!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

With Si Linyuan away, Mingxiu was naturally the one who protected Ye Qianyue the most.

No matter how you look at the expressionless face, there is a bit of sternness, and Mingxiu glanced over, "Where did the idiot come from? Why does your Beigong family have all kinds of goods?"

"An insignificant person, you don't need to pay attention to it." Beigong Huoyin obviously didn't want to talk to this man, his eyes were cold, and he didn't even look at Beigongxiong.

"Your Beigong family is like a zoo. All the beasts and scum have been released. Beigong, you have to be careful, otherwise if the beast rushes out and bites someone, you will be bloody." Pregnant She couldn't drink tea, and there was sweet rose dew in front of Ye Qianyue. At this moment, she took a sip slowly, and her movements were elegant and generous.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Bei Gongxiong's face darkened, and Shi Qi and the others couldn't bear it any longer, and laughed outright with a puff.

"Hahahaha, girl, your mouth is as poisonous as ever!" It's been a long time since I've seen someone as courageous as Bei Gongxiong come to your door, and Shi Qi has been by Ye Qianyue's side for a long time , he knew clearly that Ye Qianyue usually looks kind and friendly, but in fact, that mouth is the most venomous, and if he speaks a word, he can directly blow his popularity away!
Sure enough, Bei Gongxiong was completely angry, those eyes could almost spit out fire!

"What do you mean, woman?! Are you calling me a bastard!" Hearing what Ye Qianyue said, Bei Gongxiong was so angry that he almost jumped up, and he gritted his teeth and squeezed out such a sentence from between his teeth talk.

Indifferently glanced at Bei Gongxiong's vicious and angry look, Ye Qianyue's eyes were pitiful, as if she was really looking at an idiot, "If you scold you, you have to ask clearly if you are not cheap in the five elements, if you have nothing to do, don't be cheap, Just feel bad all over?"

"Okay! Okay! Beigong Huoyin, this is the woman you brought back? You're so presumptuous, how can you look like a woman!" Bei Gongxiong sternly said to Beigong Huoyin angrily.

"It's fine if I like it, you don't need to be satisfied." Beigong Huoyin knew that Beigongxiong had misunderstood, but he had no intention of explaining.

Explaining with an idiot like Kitamiya Xiong is also a waste of time, it is really not worth it.

"Go out as soon as you have nothing to do, and don't be presumptuous in front of the guests." Knowing that Bei Gongxiong has always been endless and annoying, although Bei Gong Huo Yin is free now, he has no time to quarrel with him. .

"Okay, Beigong Huoyin! Not to mention you brought a woman back, and let this woman carry a child in her belly. This kind of bastard born by a wild woman of unknown origin will never succeed you in the future. s position!"

(End of this chapter)

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