Chapter 982 I Will Not Eat You
"Please go this way, all distinguished guests." The maids of the Beigong family were also well-trained, and with a smile on their faces, they led the crowd forward.

As a matter of course, everyone followed, and everyone was brought to an excellent room.

Not letting anyone stay, Ye Qianyue stayed in the room alone, reaching out to touch her protruding belly.

Just thinking of a small life being conceived in her stomach, Ye Qianyue's lips could not help but evoked a smile.

Soon, Si Linyuan came back.

After eating delicious snacks, Ye Qianyue, who was already prone to sleepiness, was even more sleepy at the moment, so she went to bed and rested for a while.

There are still two days before the ancestors of the Beigong family leave the customs. During this time, Ye Qianyue can be a millet bug with peace of mind, having fun with the baby in her belly.

However, the reality is not always that simple. Ye Qianyue thought that she could enjoy two days of relaxation, but she didn't expect that even if she didn't want to find trouble, trouble would come to her door.

That night, after Ye Qianyue finished her dinner, a maid came in with a bowl of medicine.

"Miss Ye, this is the anti-fetal medicine prepared by our patriarch himself. Please take it and rest well after drinking it." In front of the month.

The bitter taste with a hint of sour taste quickly broke into Ye Qianyue's nose, making her eyes look a little deeper.

No matter where you go, there is no time to stop.

Thinking of this in her heart, the smile on the corners of Ye Qianyue's lips did not change a bit, she just took a sip of the Hundred Flowers Nectar that Si Linyuan had prepared for her.

The sweet breath spread from her mouth, and Ye Qianyue glanced at the maid lightly, "You said, it was Beigong Huoyin who asked you to send me this anti-fetal medicine?"

"Yes, yes, the patriarch personally ordered it." Seeing the maid's seriousness, Si Linyuan also put down the scroll in his hand.

"Well, since that's the case, let Beigong Huoyin come over in person, how can a maid deliver such an important anti-natal drug, and if he wants to deliver it, he must deliver it in person, so it seems sincere. "Si Linyuan said so, and said directly to the maid on the side, "Go, go and invite your patriarch over here."

"Yes." Not daring to disobey Huang Beiyan's order, the maid immediately went out to invite Beigong Huoyin over.

"Okay, let's put things down first, how tiring it is to keep holding them up like this." Ye Qianyue said this without moving her eyebrows, even with a very kind smile on her face.

"Ye, Miss Ye..." Her feet almost gave way, a layer of cold sweat broke out on the maid's back, and the bowl of soup and medicine in her hand was neither held nor put down.

"What's the matter? You don't have to be so scared, I won't eat you." The smile on Ye Qianyue's face looked particularly harmless, and she smiled softly at the maid.

"Give it to me." Seeing the maid's trembling look, Si Linyuan directly reached out and brought the bowl of soup over.

Seeing that the soup was taken away and there was no way to stop it, panic appeared in the eyes of the maid.

Putting the soup on the table casually, Ye Qianyue looked at the soup and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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