Chapter 985 You Braveless Idiot
The guards naturally did not dare to disobey Beigong Huoyin, they dragged the wailing maid directly, and strode away.

"Bei Gong, you didn't ask anything, and you killed that woman?" Ye Qianyue didn't think she could just kill a little maid and it was over. What she wanted was to grab her The man behind the scenes!

"Leave everything to me, and I won't let you down." Beigong Huoyin said with a smile on his lips, "I'm going to find you now. That person settled the score, how about it, do you plan to go with me?"

"Of course I'm going. I want to see that person's fate with my own eyes." Ye Qianyue smiled softly, then got up with Si Linyuan, followed Beigong Huoyin out of the room, and walked towards the place where the elder was. Where you live.


At the same time, the residence of the Great Elder.

'Snapped--! '

"Bei Gongxiong, you idiot, are you really crazy!" The whole person was about to go crazy with anger, the elder raised his hand viciously, and pointed at Bei Gongxiong, "That Ye Qianyue is The person brought back by the patriarch, you dare to shoot the child in her belly, don't you want to live?!"

Being slapped severely by the Great Elder, Bei Gongxiong's mouth was slightly filled with a strong smell of blood, and his face was in hot pain.

"What's wrong with me?! Beigong Huoyin will never detect Tebi's concealment I made!" Bei Gongxiong was severely slapped on the mouth, and his face was distorted.

"You foolish fool, Beigong Huoyin is as brainless as you!" The whole person almost jumped up from the spot, and the great elder took a few hard breaths, "Beigong Huoyin A person as smart as Huoyin must have discovered that you did this, but you still have the time and energy to be proud of yourself here, are you planning to piss me off right away!"

He was so pissed that he couldn't let go, the Great Elder was an old Jianghu after all, he knew how terrifying Beigong Huoyin was.

Such a terrifying person, who possesses both intelligence and strength against the sky, how could he not see through such a naive frame-up by Bei Gongxiong!

"Grandpa, you're too nervous. My biggest problem is that the frame is unsuccessful, and even so, that Beigong Huoyin can't find anything." Bei Gongxiong couldn't figure out why the elder was so nervous, "Retire In ten thousand steps, Beigong Huoyin guessed that I did it, and he doesn't have any definite evidence to say that he can't do anything to me!"

"Idiot! Idiot! He is the patriarch of the clan. If he really wants to kill you, he doesn't need any reason at all!" The Great Elder felt that Bei Gongxiong was a mentally handicapped person with capital letters, and he was completely hopeless!

Apparently not aware of the seriousness of the matter, Bei Gongxiong looked at the deep frown of the Great Elder, and suddenly felt a little uncertain, "Then Grandpa, what should I do?"

"What else can we do? Of course, we should leave the family directly to avoid the limelight!" The elder said decisively, then pulled Bei Gongxiong and rushed out.

"The Great Elder is in such a panic, where is he planning to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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