Chapter 989 Will Definitely Cooperate Well

"Well, I know, it's just that not everyone can master the attributes they have. On the contrary, the attributes that some people have are like time bombs." Ye Qianyue has been in Lingyun Continent for so long, and she still knows this It's very clear.

"Well, for me, the flame energy in my body is like a time bomb." Mo Ning said this, with a tangled expression on his face, "Ye Qianyue also knows that I use the current It is the energy of the ice element. My second attribute energy can be any other attribute, but it cannot be the energy of the fire element. This energy and the ice energy are natural enemies, and I cannot grasp it well. .”

Mo Ning obviously felt that it was a pity, "It's just that there is no way to do it. Ice and fire attributes are both offensive attributes. It is impossible to mix these two energies together to make them They live in harmony, and my grasp of the energy of the fire element is not that good either."

Having said that, Mo Ning shook her head helplessly, then looked up at Ye Qianyue, "But I still have a good grasp of the ice attribute, if there is anything Miss needs me, I will do my best I helped the lady do it."

Seeing Mo Ning's seriousness, a smile appeared on Ye Qianyue's lips, "Then Mo Ning, if I say that I can help you master the fire attribute energy and make you a dual-attribute Psychiatrist, would you like it?" willing?"

If other people said this to Mo Ning, Mo Ning would definitely not believe it, but along the way, she also witnessed Ye Qianyue's strength, and she felt that Ye Qianyue's whole person was miraculous. Nothing beats her.

So when Ye Qianyue said this, Mo Ning believed it immediately, and there was a trace of excitement and anticipation in his eyes, "Really? Qianyue, you can really let me have both ice and fire elements at the same time." energy?!"

When it came to the end, Mo Ning could hardly suppress the excitement in her heart!

If she can really have these two attributes at the same time, then her strength will definitely have a lot of room for improvement.

Today's strength has been raised to the Niantiandi stage by Ye Qianyue. If he can master the energy of the fire element again, Mo Ning will not be invincible, but he will be strong enough.

"Yes, as long as I give you a small cluster of fire from my Phoenix Soul Fire, and then give you the potion I developed, it will be fine." Seeing Mo Ning's happy look, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but The corners of her lips curled up, "Although the sub-fire of Fenghunhuo is not as powerful as the main body itself, it is also stronger than ordinary flames and even other beast fires. I will put the sub-huo in yours first." In the body, you first use your thought power to cultivate it for a while and control it, and after a while, Zihuo will be like a little animal you raised, obediently obeying your commands."

"That's really great! I've been looking forward to becoming a dual-attribute Nian teacher!" Mo Ning showed a bright smile on his face, and then affectionately grabbed Ye Qianyue's hands, "Qianyue, fine You can rest assured to leave the matter of blood to me, and I will definitely cooperate with you!"

Can't be happy, Mo Ning's eyes are shining.

 Concubine is busy with personal affairs today, the main update will be in the afternoon~~Please pay attention~~
  Ask for tickets, ask for rewards, don't hesitate~
(End of this chapter)

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