Chapter 1009 Northwest
"I will work hard, because I can't afford to die! I still owe a huge debt to your master sister-in-law. If I don't pay her back, she will ignore me in the next life! Therefore, I will do my best to make myself survive. The debt will be repaid in this life! By the way, I have inquired about the news in the northwest, how is the situation now, and I can’t contact Master for the time being.”

"Okay! I'll come to you again when the news comes, so I'll go."

Li Xiuyu stared blankly at the disappearing back of Chen Hu, and after a while, he got into the depths of the cave and disappeared instantly...

Northwest Lingzhou City, Marshal's Mansion.

Gu Chi, shouldn't be called Marshal Jin now.

I saw him slapping the table with a "ba" palm: "Damn it! It's really too hateful! They want to destroy the country, don't they?"

Looking at the secret letter on the table, Qiu Yanan put the burden in her hand on the table: "It's useless to be angry, as long as they don't get rid of them, the country will not be safe!"

If the master is weak and the minister is strong, the country will suffer misfortune.

Looking at his wife's burden and her expression of running away from home, Jin Anchen was very surprised: "Nan Nan, what is this?"

Qiu Yanan smiled and untied the burden: "My aunt and mother gave me the dowry, my husband won't accept it?"

No matter how difficult it is for him, he can't touch his wife's dowry, right?
Jin Anchen is a big man, he is used to ordering: "No. Take it all back to me, no matter how difficult it is, I will be there."

Qiu Yanan knew this man too well, so she flicked her face: "Why not? If you don't raise money to collect summer food, you want the soldiers to fight hungry, don't you? Take it, I still have the money to live and work, really If there is no more, I will find Yujiao to open a shop!"

Mentioning Lin Yujiao, Jin Anchen pursed his lips, and finally said nothing.

He knew that if he wanted to speak out, with his wife's temperament, he might have to go to Yunzhou to find someone tomorrow morning!
There is no information at the border, and the news of Li Xiuyu's resurrection has not reached Lingzhou... It seems that he has to block the news.

"Nan Nan, bring a pen and paper. I'll ask the master for help. Now the third child is being watched, and the seventh and ninth cannot get away. I can only ask the master."

Qiu Yanan was worried: "The Immortal Palace has never been involved in the political affairs of the DPRK and China, will this embarrass Uncle Hua?"

Jin Anchen's eyes were dim, and it was natural to be embarrassed, but when the general was gone, where would the fairy palace come from?
"I will persuade Master Xiao to be righteous, and just ask them to collect summer grain. This border cannot be breached! Once the border gate is breached, the three northwestern prefectures of Dachu will soon fall. If the northwest falls, it will be the people who will suffer! "

Of course she knows!
If she didn't know, how could she donate the dowry?
Qiu Yanan frowned: "Brother Chen, there is no news from Li Tanhua yet? I don't know how Yujiao is doing now, how are she and the children doing?"

Jin Anchen quickly shook his head: "No! Yu's daughter-in-law has someone by her side, so she should be fine. I'll write to Master and ask him to arrange people to collect food as much as possible. Go and rest. You have to worry so much with such a big belly! Don't tire out my son!"

"Who says it's a son? It's a daughter! I like a daughter who is a fan, don't want a stinky son who shouts and kills every day!"

Jin Anchen has never won over his wife in the matter of having a son and a daughter. She has the final say because she worked hard to get pregnant!

"Then don't tire out our daughter, take her to listen to the piano and read books, and train her to be our obedient little padded jacket from now on, okay?"

It's almost there!
Qiu Yanan left contentedly, and Jin Anchen waved: "Pass down the order, and those who know about Li Tanhua's news, let them shut up! Whoever wants to reveal the slightest word, we will serve you in military law!"

(End of this chapter)

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