Chapter 1013 Going out to relax
Lin Yujiao doesn't care what other people say.

But Shen Qinxin, she might really be the same as herself, what she dreamed about was her previous life...

——Did fate really turn back?
——Could it be that Li Xiuyu really doesn't belong to her, it's just that her rebirth disrupted their marriage, so God arranged for this to happen?
In the previous life, Lin Yujiao had never heard of Princess Shuxian at all, because the Jiang family had nothing to do with this King of Xiangrou, so naturally she couldn't hear about it in her capacity.

Lin Yujiao didn't know when she fell asleep, but one night's nightmare made her look haggard.

"What's the matter, you look so bad?"

Lin Yujiao smiled bitterly: "Liu Yang, I really shouldn't have opened the door to that crazy woman Shen Qinxin yesterday, which made me have a nightmare all night!"

"Ah?" Liu Yang was very angry: "You will be influenced by a lunatic, I really look down on you."

Lin Yujiao touched her face in embarrassment: "Do you think I am asking for trouble?"

Liu Yang was not polite: "Of course! Don't think too much about me, go to exercise later, take a shower, and then go to sleep well."

Lin Yujiao felt that Liu Yang was her indispensable housekeeper, and immediately agreed very obediently: "Okay, I'll catch up on sleep after I finish drawing those two clothes."

It was time to catch up on sleep, but Liu Yang found that she couldn't fall asleep at all.

I sighed softly in my heart: "Get up if you don't want to sleep. Let's go outside. Aunt Li said that the new autumn clothes are coming. How about we order two sets ourselves?"

Lin Yujiao knew that Liu Yang wanted her to relax. In fact, she also knew that it was wrong for her to think wildly, but she couldn't help it when she was free.

"Let's go, there are still a few styles to take. Let's get some fabrics for the clothes and make them ourselves, and then let Chunli and Chunxiu practice."

After explaining to the family, the two went out together.

Heye Lane is a bit far from Qiuchun Street, but Lin Yujiao didn't want to take a carriage: "Let's go for a walk, we haven't been out for a long time."

"Okay, we'll buy something we like as soon as we see something we like."

Sure enough, women are born shopaholics. When the two arrived at Xiuzhu Pavilion, they bought a lot of food, play, and use...

Seeing that Lin Yujiao's spirit has improved a lot, Li Qiuying said with a smile, "I still want to see the three little guys, but I didn't expect you to come. By the way, I tried to make some in the building according to the picture you drew. The child's Baifu clothes, you will take them back to the three little guys later."

"Well, I'm trying to make a few sets for them."

Hearing that Lin Yujiao was coming, Zhu Xiuxiu and the Qi family, Niu Qingxiang and Niu Dasao, Aunt Lin and her two daughters all came.

Niu Qingxiang ate the yellow rice cake with a satisfied face: "Sister Yujiao, the yellow rice cake from Cuixinzhai is delicious!"

Mrs. Niu smiled and said, "You still eat! If you eat any more, you have to lose weight!"

Niu Qingxiang stuck out her tongue: "I'm not fat? When I want to lose weight, I'll ask Sister Yujiao to make me some soup for weight loss. Sister Yujiao, do you think so?"

Lin Yujiao just likes Niu Qingxiang's innocence and delicacy, she nodded with a smile: "It's a blessing to be able to eat, don't be afraid. I'm really fat, I'll help you lose weight."

"Look? Sister-in-law, I knew Sister Yujiao loved me!"

A group of people were talking happily, when suddenly the person in charge of the first floor hurried in: "Master, that princess is here!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions changed.

Li Qiuying's face turned cold: "What is she doing here? Could it be that her lord lacks people who make clothes? Just say that there are no new styles in the building today."

(End of this chapter)

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