Chapter 1036 For Her

The Fu family finally found out about the princess's visit to pick up Lin Yujiao. Boss Fu caught his head and glanced at his son: "Ying'er, our Fu family does not have the strength to compete with Xiang Wang's mansion. So, father has no way to agree to you. Yujiao's mother and son are brought into the Fu family."

Fu Yuanying clenched her fists tightly: "Father, I won't burden the Fu family. If there is such a day, you won't be my son!"


"Father, I can't watch her have an accident! In this life, I have never had anything I want, only her! Even if I can only be her elder brother, as long as everything is fine for her, I will be satisfied!"

My own son, I understand.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always obeyed the words of his elders, and has never disobeyed once.

Even if he was asked to marry the Huang family to repay the Huang family's love for his father, he would not say anything.

The more obedient people are, the more stubborn they are in their hearts that no one knows.

Looking at the 30-year-old son, Mr. Fu closed his eyes: "If you must save them, the only way is to turn her into the Fu family and let all the children be named Fu! Then, you announce that you will leave the Fu family! "

If Jiaojiao is willing to marry, what is he willing to do!

"Thank you dad!"

Boss Fu waved his hand: "If you don't reach that step, don't be impulsive. Dad can only do so much for you."

"I know."

Chen Hu was not surprised that Yuan Ying came to him: "Brother Fu, my senior brother just lost his memory, if he doesn't reach that point, don't mention this plan, okay?"

"Then what if he loses his concubine for the rest of his life, do you really have the heart to watch Jiaojiao live alone with the child?"

"Brother Fu, this plan is actually very dangerous, have you thought it through? It is very likely to make the princess angry at the Fu family!"

Fu Yuanying nodded: "If I don't want to be clear, I won't stand here and talk to you, I know that you are protecting Jiaojiao on behalf of your elder brother. I and you just can't bear to look at Jiaojiao at a loss That's all. I know she loves Master Li, but that palace is absolutely forbidden!"

Why are they all so great?
"Brother Fu, don't worry, if the princess really wants to force you, I will persuade the elder sister-in-law to marry you!"

Fu Yuanying stretched out her hand: "Okay! Brother Chen, I believe in you!"

Chen Hu didn't tell Lin Yujiao about Fu Yuanying's plan, he knew he was selfish because he knew how much his senior brother loved his wife.

Before that step, he wanted to think more about his elder brother.

Everyone was wary of the princess, but after she came here once, she didn't come to the door for a long time, and everyone relaxed a lot.

"Liu Yang, do you think she really gave up?"

Liu Yang shook his head: "I don't think that wicked mother-in-law of yours has this ability, but it should be said that the princess has some new ideas, or is entangled by something."

Lin Yujiao smiled: "This time, I don't think she is bad! If she is so bad, I hope she is as bad as possible!"

Everyone is very tense these days, Liu Yang didn't want Lin Yujiao to worry too much, so he patted her hand: "Don't worry, let her think what she wants! If she doesn't give up and dare to insist, we are not vegetarians either! But she, it’s okay to kill a few of the bottom ones!”

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yujiao was full of confidence: "Yes! At worst, the fish will die and the net will be broken!"

I want to leave, but the news is very bad. The west and northeast are not stable. It is said that bandits have appeared in many places.

If you can’t leave, you have to live. You can’t be scared to death by others, right?
Lin Yujiao straightened her chest, calmed down and prepared to start a business and make a lot of money...

(End of this chapter)

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