Chapter 1055 Extra points for senior brother

When Chen Hu received the news, he took Liu Yang and A Bing to the other courtyard of the palace that night...

"So strict?"

Liu Yang nodded: "Very strict, beyond my imagination!"

"Then we've been busy for so long, it's really maddening!"

Seeing that Lin Yujiao was very disappointed, Chen Hu rolled his eyes: "Sister-in-law, you won't be busy in vain. When senior brother remembers the past day, you can play however you want!"

"Remember the past?" Lin Yujiao really gave up hope: "Ah Hu, do you think he is willing to remember the past?"

The status of a county horse is far more important than his fifth-rank official position, right?
The prince's son-in-law is as crazy as he wants, right?
Chen Hu understood the meaning of Lin Yujiao's words: "Master's sister-in-law, do you know how many years I have known my elder brother? It's been 16 years! As I said, he has amnesia, not lost taste! Elder brother is unable to do so now, so he Hurt you. If he finds out, he will seek justice for you even if he sacrifices his life! Let me tell you about my elder brother..."

After hearing Li Xiuyu's story, Liu Yang also admired him.

A man with a firm will will definitely get better!
"Yujiao, let's not think about anything or complain now, just treat Mr. Li as if he has gone to a place far, far away and won't be able to return for a while. Now he is just an outsider."

That man, who was born in a wealthy family, has endured all kinds of hardships for his future.

Lin Yujiao couldn't help admitting how much Li Xiuyu loved her before he lost his memory. Looking back at the past every night, her heart trembled because of his love.

He hugged her, murmured and called her "daughter-in-law" and "baby" over and over again, always making her hug the pillow tightly and regard him as him...

——He is really forced, Lin Yujiao, don’t hate him, because you only have three treasures, right?
Sitting in the courtyard, looking at the moonlight in the distance, Lin Yujiao leaned on Liu Yang: "Liu Yang, do you think I'm worthless? After Ah Hu said that, I don't even hate him in my heart."

Liu Yang has never loved anyone before, she doesn't understand this kind of love and hate between men and women.

But she always felt that Chen Hu admired Lord Li too much!

Because she doesn't understand love and hate, she doesn't know what to say.

She patted Lin Yujiao's hand: "If you love, don't make it difficult. If you hate, don't force yourself. Life is short, love when you should love, and hate when you should hate. Only by living happily can you be worthy of yourself!"

Love and hate?
Maybe it should be so!
Maybe she really wanted to understand, but suddenly Lin Yujiao remembered: "Brother Fu went back that day, and I don't know if he frightened the children. The motherless children are also pitiful. They were taught badly by the two women of the Fu family."

As soon as Liu Yang heard it, she knew she had put it down.

"Fortunately, I'm still young, so teach me slowly. Master Fu wants to marry a powerful wife, otherwise this Cui Yi will definitely drive people to death!"

Speaking of Fu Cuiyi, Lin Yujiao was really complicated: "Such a young child is so sharp, what will I do if I marry someone else's family?"

Liu Yang curled her lips: "Cold salad! It is said that one thing is equal to one thing. If she meets a man she loves to death, maybe she will become a softie!"

Will that little girl who looks like a hedgehog turn into a twisted finger?

But after Fu Yuanying's marriage was ruined by his children that day, he didn't blame the children anymore when he got home.

He just sent Fu Cuiyi to the girls' school in Ganning Prefecture, and sent his son to the best academy in Yunzhou Prefecture to start enlightenment...

(End of this chapter)

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