Chapter 1062 The Child Was Stolen
That night, Lin Yujiao managed to fall asleep, but in the middle of the night, she found that she had a terrible headache.

She wanted to wake up, but found that her head was so heavy, because she really wanted to go to the toilet, so she forced herself to wake up.

But it was useless, she just opened her eyes and closed her eyelids...

Suddenly a strange fragrance rushed into her nose, and she bit the tip of her tongue, which was always vigilant, and finally the pain woke her up, and she opened her mouth with a very hoarse voice: "Mother Zhang, Liu Yang..."

But she called several times but no one answered, and Lin Yujiao called "A Bing" again, but no one answered, and immediately stretched out her hand...

Fu Yuanying, who had just fallen asleep, was woken up, and when she heard that the children had been stolen, she immediately bounced off the kang with a "bang": "What's going on?"

Awang immediately said: "Someone sneaked into the hospital and used a very powerful drug. It was my aunt who woke up and found out that something happened."


It was an hour later when Fu Yuanying arrived, and the lights in the courtyard were brightly lit...

"Big brother..."

Fu Yuanying caught Lin Yujiao who was unable to walk steadily: "Sister Jiao, don't worry, speak slowly! Liu San and the others have gone to the gate of the city. If someone leaves the city in a hurry in the middle of the night, someone will definitely find out soon. You Don't mess around. Now we have to think about what kind of person would steal a child!"

Chen Hu blamed himself very much: "It's all my fault, if I hadn't drank two cups last night as soon as I relaxed, it would be impossible to sleep so dead!"

Fu Yuanying shook her head: "I can't blame you, who would have thought that other than the princess, there would be anyone else who would dare to hit the child? Jiaomei has no deep hatred with anyone else, so how could someone steal her child? Don't Hurry up, everyone, think about who it could be!"

Zhu Xiuqin thought deeply with her eyes: "Could it be the Li family?"

Chen Hu was the first to object: "It's impossible for the Li family! That old woman doesn't recognize their brothers and sisters at all, so she can't steal it!"

Liu Yang also nodded: "I went to Li's house as soon as the accident happened. There was no sound from Li's house, and Li Xiucheng was also at home. Wang Er, who was in charge of that one, said that no one entered that alley at night."

Zhu Xiuqin said again: "Could it be that lewd Princess?"

But Fu Yuanying shook her head: "Probably not, the princess has already canceled the plan to take Jiaomei and their mother and son into the mansion, so they should come to steal the children soon!"

Liu Yang thought: "It's hard to say! Maybe the princess told Master Li on purpose? Maybe she was cruel because she saw that Yujiao didn't want to be used by her?"

She didn't use it, so she killed the child?
Fu Yuanying was startled suddenly, but he thought calmly: "Maybe she has such an idea, but this time it shouldn't be her! My people are guarding in the other courtyard of the palace and no one has come to report, and no one in the mansion has revealed any news. This time it shouldn't be her!"

This is not, that is not, who could it be?
Lin Yujiao was already a little confused, and suddenly she jumped up: "Go to Huaishu Alley!"

Fu Yuanying rolled her eyes: "Jiaomei, do you think it is possible that Shen Qinxin stole the child? That woman, does she have the ability?"

Lin Yujiao nodded: "I don't know! But I just think she is the most suspicious! Last time Chunli said that someone followed us, and that person who followed us went into Huaishu Alley! And she was too quiet during this time, which doesn't suit her. temperament!"

Now, no matter whether it is Shen Qinxin or not, as long as there is a slight possibility, he must not let it go!
Fu Yuanying waved: "Go! Go to Huaishu Alley!"

(End of this chapter)

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