Chapter 1065 Madman's Thoughts

Chen Hu nodded: "Yes! Eldest brother, Fu Bubutou has already led people to chase them in these aspects, let's chase them up the mountain!"

Li Xiuyu's eyes sank: "Have you brought the child's clothes?"

Chen Hu immediately took it out: "I brought it, I almost forgot it in a hurry!"

Li Xiuyu immediately ordered: "Fifth brother, call out the sharp eagle!"

After the words fell, I saw Jiang Zijun put his finger to his mouth, and let out a long and mournful cry, and a bird half the height of a person flew in the sky...

An hour later, the sky was slightly brighter, and the figure looked like a person.

In Shangma Mountain, forty miles south of the city, three sleeping children were placed on the boulder in front of the cave.

Looking at the three dazzlingly beautiful children on the stone, Jiang's mother was a little bit reluctant: "Miss, they are still children, why don't you give them away?"

"Give them away?" Shen Qinxin said with a ruthless expression, "I have worked so hard and spent so much money to get them out, not for them to enjoy themselves! Lin Yujiao, if you dare to steal my man, I will let you Taste the pain of this world!"

The three white and tender children have eyebrows and eyes very similar to Li Tanhua, especially those two boys, who are almost the same as Li Tanhua's eyebrows and eyes!
Mother Jiang really didn't want such a beautiful child to die, so she persuaded: "Miss, the adult is guilty, but the child is not guilty. You can also raise the children and let them deal with Lin Yujiao. Wouldn't that be more interesting? "

raise them?
This kind of meaning came too long, she couldn't wait!
If it wasn't her disaster star, how could something happen to her Li Lang, and then forget her, and meet that shameless Zhao Minqi?
She dared to snatch him when he was still Lin Yujiao's man, but he became the son-in-law of King Xiangrou, and she lost even hope!
It's all her!
It's all her!
It was all Lin Yujiao's fault, she was the one who married Li Lang in the dream, and it was her appearance that broke her marriage!
Seeing the white mist curling up from the cliff, Shen Qinxin had a ferocious expression on his face: "Mother Jiang, if you fall from such a height, will the three of them immediately turn into meatloaf?"

Mother Jiang was very shocked by such a master. At this time, she was not a human being at all, but a devil: "Miss, think again, there is really no need to kill people! She gave the child away, and she thought the child was dead." That's right, this will make Lin's life so painful!"

"Give it away? If you give it away, can you guarantee that they won't bring these dead children back? No, I won't let them live. I want Lin Yujiao to never see them again in this life, and I want Li Xiuyu to have no descendants! "

Jiang's mother couldn't persuade her, so she yelled at an old girl beside her: "You can persuade me, saving someone's life is like building a seven-level pagoda, after all, this is a child!"

Shen Qin became impatient, her face sank as if she had just come out of hell, she stretched out her hand and let out a scream of "ah", Mama Jiang's voice disappeared under the mountain...

"No one should persuade me! Whoever persuades me will end up just like her! Ah Qing and Ginkgo, I will give an order later, the three of us will throw them down at the same time, one by one, and see which one hits the ground first!"

Ah Qing and Ginkgo didn't dare to say anything anymore, if they wanted to talk again, Mama Jiang might be their fate!
Just when the three of them were about to pick up the baby, there were two "bang bang", and two bone penetrating nails had passed through the necks of the two servants beside Shen Qinxin, followed by a scream: "Master Li, so you No amnesia at all? Are you lying?"

(End of this chapter)

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