Chapter 1085 Buying a Shop

It was rare for Lin Yujiao to see her cousin so happy, she stepped forward, "Happy?"

Zhu Xiuqin nodded excitedly: "Happy, I'm happy for the first time today after living for more than ten years."

When Chen Hu heard it, his old face flushed: "Qin'er, I used to blame me for not doing well and not being able to make you happy."

Zhu Xiuqin murmured: "What are you talking about? I didn't say I was unhappy in the past, I mean I was very happy today! Mr. Mr., what secret do you have with that Zou Daqing? Why don't I know?"

When it comes to secrets, Chen Hu scratched his head: "Actually, it's not a secret. Back then, Zhu Xiumei wanted to harm you, so I just taught her a lesson."

This lesson is just one point?
Zhu Xiuqin twitched: I'm afraid Zhu Xiumei will never forget this lesson in her life!

"She said she wanted revenge on me, what should I do?"

Chen Hu smiled: "What are you worried about? With me here, you just have to play well! By the way, this is Boss Zhang of this shop, Mrs. Master, let's get to know each other."

Boss Zhang was very grateful to Chen Hu. After knowing that he brought someone to buy his shop, he took the initiative to drop 50 taels of silver...

After seeing this pharmacy, Lin Yujiao was very satisfied.

Hearing about Boss Zhang’s Department of Pediatrics, he asked: “Boss Zhang, I intend to continue to open this pharmacy, would you like to sit here?”

Boss Zhang was stunned: "Madam, the little old man has opened a pharmacy here for several years, and the business has not been very good. Boss, do you want to continue to open the pharmacy?"

Lin Yujiao smiled: "Yes, I want to continue to open a pharmacy, but there will not be one doctor in the office, and the medicines are not the same. If I give you five taels of silver a month, and then receive dividends based on the number of consultations you have, would you be willing?" No?"

Five taels of silver a month, and dividends?
Does this lady understand business?
Boss Zhang was a little dumbfounded: "Ma'am, you are very kind to me. If I don't tell the truth, I will be ruthless! When I opened this pharmacy, it was hard to earn 20 taels of silver a month when I opened this pharmacy. Are you not afraid of losing money when the price is offered and there is more than one doctor?"

Such a person has a good conscience!

Lin Yujiao smiled again: "Thank you, Boss Zhang, for reminding me, but I still want to give it a try, because I only know this field. If not, you can try it for three months first, and if it doesn't work, you can go back to your hometown?"

Back home, but also guarding so few acres of land.

After distributing this little money to those two useless sons, he will also have some pension money.

Boss Zhang bowed: "Madam thinks highly of me so much, so respectful is worse than obedience! I live in Zhuzi Hutong No. 18, so I will wait at home for news from Madam!"

"Okay, it's a deal! One month later, I will come to visit!"

Lin Yujiao bought a pharmacy without even thinking about it, and even hired a doctor. Zhu Xiuqin had to admire her decisiveness: "Cousin, you are so courageous!"

"Isn't this what life forces?"

If it is not a last resort, who is a woman willing to show her face?
In the previous life, she just didn't make up her mind, and she was sold and sold again, so she lived a miserable life.

To live another life, for the sake of her children and those relatives who care about her, she must live well!

On the way home, Lin Yujiao asked Chen Hu: "Ah Hu, with this shop, can I set up a female household again?"

Chen Hu wanted to cry: Sister-in-law, can you stop being so persistent?
"Master's sister-in-law, I forgot to tell you last time. You are still the wife of the elder brother. I'm afraid it's not enough to set up a female household on your own!"

(End of this chapter)

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