Chapter 1088 Master Li wants to climb over the wall
In the middle of the night, in the back mountain of the Yunzhou Courtyard of King Xiang's Mansion...

After listening to Chen Hu's words, Li Xiuyu showed no expression at all: "Zhu Xiumei? How dare a little concubine dare to act like a domineering girl? It seems that she will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't die!"

Chen Hu asked cautiously: "Brother, what should we do about the Zhu family's affairs?"

Li Xiuyu's eyes were heavy: "Leave this matter to the fifth child. In three days, I will make the entire Zhu family a laughing stock of the public. I will make Zhu Xiumei die without a place to bury her!"

"What about Ji Shi?"

Speaking of Ji Meiyuan, Li Xiuyu's eyes showed disgust: "Isn't the third child idle now? Since idleness is idleness, why not leave this matter to him, he is good at it anyway!"

Three brothers idle?
I just came back from the border, okay!
As soon as your old man pretends to have amnesia, the third senior brother will become your successor. The military rations only miss him to death!
Alright, third senior brother, who told you to learn the medical skills of your uncle best, who would you turn to if you don’t?
After saying that, Chen Hu raised a smile: "Senior brother is so wise! But, there is one more thing I don't know if I should tell you..."

"Say it! If you don't want to fight!"

"Brother, can you stop scaring me? I have a heavy responsibility now, you are going to hurt me, sister-in-law... oh no no no... who will protect my cousin?"


As soon as these words fell, Li Xiuyu's face darkened: "Ahu, what do you mean by that?"

Chen Hu smiled wickedly: "Eldest brother, you have already said that as long as the elder sister-in-law is happy, she can do whatever she thinks! The elder sister-in-law said that she will come to you to ask for Li Shu, and I will not call her master in the future." Sister-in-law!"

With a bang, the branch with the thickness of the wrist broke...

Chen Hu looked aggrieved: "Brother, I didn't want to call it that... You don't know that the sister-in-law of the master can change her temper now, how domineering she is when she gives orders to us!"

—Smelly girl, do you want to escape?
——I will not die, you are not allowed to escape!
It was agreed to let her go.

But when she really wanted to leave, Li Xiuyu realized that he couldn't do it at all!
Thinking that his wife might lie in someone else's arms and act like a spoiled child, and would call someone's husband sweetly, Li Xiuyu found that his heart was going to explode!

Also, how could his three lovely children be called other people's fathers!
No, I can't stand it!
No matter how difficult it is, Li Xiuyu, you must come back alive to see them, and you must hold them by your side to love and love...

Thinking of this, Li Xiuyu seemed impatient: "Tomorrow night, you find a chance to send people away, and I will go back."

"Eldest brother..."

Li Xiuyu squinted his eyes: "Why? Don't you want to?"

How dare he not?
Will he let his master know and not practice him to death?
"Yes, very willing! Just, don't bully the elder sister-in-law!"

That is his daughter-in-law!
He bullied his wife, what happened?
Although it's wrong to bully her, but he's already holding back so much that he's about to explode, and if he doesn't bully her again, he won't be able to survive at all!

"You care too much."

Chen Hu looked contemptuous: "Now I think I'm taking too much care, but when you said you asked me to protect my sister-in-law, what did you say? No one can bully her!"

"I'm not bullying her! I love her! It's only natural for a man to love his wife! Junior brother, I'm very pitiful for your elder brother. You have to be a monk even if you have a daughter-in-law. Don't you feel bad?"


Who told this to be his big brother?
(End of this chapter)

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