Chapter 174
Lin Yujiao knew that the Jiang family's money would be available in a few days, and with that money, she would not have to worry about eating and drinking for at least three to five years.

Without the burden of life, Lin Yujiao decided to give up the plaster business, thinking that she hadn't learned a few chapters of medical books.

"Girl, I finally found you."

"Old man, why did you come by yourself?"

"You girl, what are you doing these days? If I don't come to pick you up, you won't go to see grandpa?"

In the past few days, Mr. Fu has been entangled in some things, and Fu Yuanying went to Gan Ning Mansion, and Lin Yujiao felt that the Fu family was too complicated, so he went as little as possible. Naturally, this old man has not been there for several days. I saw her.

Unexpectedly, the old man came to the door by himself, and Lin Yujiao immediately invited him in: "Old man, didn't I go back to my mother's house, and I haven't been able to see you these days, so don't be surprised."

So this girl returned to her mother's house?
He also said that this girl is so heartless, if he doesn't come to pick her up, she won't come.

In a much better mood, Mr. Fu walked into the courtyard to look left and right: "Girl, you live here? It's so small, how do you live?"

Lin Yujiao twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard Mr. Fu talking: How small is my yard?
——Old man, we ordinary people can’t compare with you officials, can we?
Lin Yujiao was muttering in her heart, but she smiled sweetly on her face: "Master, you are joking, I am not young anymore, just me and my younger brother are enough for the time being. Sir, sit down. Are you thirsty after walking?" , I made some jelly according to the prescription, would you like to try it?"

These days, Lin Yujiao's medical books are gradually becoming more understandable. At this time, she is reading the section on herbal medicine. The book says that after the perilla is dried and boiled, add a little sweet potato powder, and then put it in a well to cool overnight. A cold food.

Yesterday, she just tried it.

Mr. Fu has never eaten jelly, but although it is not very hot in April, he thinks it is good to drink a bowl of cool, slightly sweet food: "Girl Lin, what is this made of?"

"Hey, it's made of grass, old man, do you think it's delicious?"

Seeing the old man drinking happily, Lin Yujiao looked at him with a fox-like smile and asked.

Mr. Fu nodded: "Well, not bad! Sweet but not greasy, refreshing and smooth, if you drink a bowl of this on a hot day, you will feel very comfortable! Girl, you are so amazing that you can find good food by yourself?"

This is also called great?
After reading medical books for several months, she came up with such a refreshing food...

"Old man, if you like it, I'll write the recipe for you. When the weather is hot, make a pot and put it in the well to drink the next day. You will be comfortable."

It is said that the mother-in-law looks more and more happy when she sees her son-in-law. Today, the old man likes his granddaughter-in-law more and more!

"Okay, okay, grandpa, I won't be polite! However, I won't take your prescription for nothing. I will give you five taels of silver when the time comes. After all, you have caused trouble."

Lin Yujiao originally said that there is no need to give money, but she thought that maybe the old man was afraid of owing her favors, so she smiled and said, "Then I will make a lot of money! I have to study a lot tomorrow, if there are delicious recipes, I must also send it to you, old man!"

"Hahaha... Girl, you are so greedy! However, my old family likes your aboveboard behavior. By the way, girl, it's almost noon, and I have to have a meal with you."

(End of this chapter)

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