Chapter 176
Lin Yujiao didn't know that the Fu family was planning on her. Two days later, Fu Yuanying Muxiu came to pick her up specially, saying that her grandfather missed her vegetarian dishes, so she went immediately.

Unexpectedly, there were two beautiful children in Mr. Fu's yard.

The older one is a girl, about six years old, whose name is said to be Fu Cuiyi.

The youngest is a kid, about four years old, named Fu Qingyu, and they are Fu Yuanying's children.

Lin Yujiao had known for a long time that Fu Yuanying had two children, but this was the first time she had seen them.

Lin Yujiao, who liked children very much, was even more amiable and smiling when she saw the two children, so Fu Cuiyi rushed to her without waiting for her to say hello: "I heard that you are a divorced wife, right? "

Seeing this little tiger-like girl, Lin Yujiao was a little dumbfounded: Aren't all children cute, why are they so fierce?

When Mr. Fu heard it in the room, he immediately frowned, and roared angrily in the room: "Tweety, where's your manners?"

Fu Cuiyi, who was scolded by her grandfather, was even more unhappy. She stared at Lin Yujiao: "I asked you something, why didn't you answer it?"

It is said that the children of the poor are in charge of the family early, and this child without a mother is really sensible early!

Although Fu Yuanying looked at her with affection, she really didn't intend to do so.

Immediately, Lin Yujiao smiled: "That's right. I'm a married woman. Miss Fu, do you have anything to do?"

Fu Cuiyi made a small face: "It's okay, I just want to tell you that a divorced wife is definitely not worthy of being my mother! Stop thinking about it!"

as her mother?
Lin Yujiao was dumbfounded: When did she come up with this idea?
She really meant to befriend the Fu family.

But Lin Yujiao really didn't want to enter the Fu family to be a stepmother. She had seen too many other people's children in her previous life, and she would never be able to raise other people's children.

Of course, what she didn't want the most was that the Fu family was more complicated than Li's, and such a little girl took care of such things.

"Miss, I don't have such thoughts, who is talking nonsense?"

Fu Cuiyi looked disdainful: "It's no wonder you don't have such thoughts, our Fu family is so rich, you must want to be our stepmother as a divorced wife, otherwise why do you always come here? It's really unnecessary face!"

Does she always come here?
Heaven and earth conscience!

She didn't want to come here by herself, but Mr. Fu asked someone to pick her up!
Seeing that his great-granddaughter refused to listen, Mr. Fu ran out with a livid face, "Tui'er, who taught you nonsense? Where did you learn etiquette, and you dare to be so disrespectful to Grandpa's guests? I love you too much!"


How could she be talking nonsense?
Although she is younger, what if she doesn't understand?
Fu Cuiyi looked aggrieved: "Grandpa, I'm not talking nonsense. Daddy doesn't have a real wife. He will definitely marry his first wife, but we don't want a stepmother!"

The child is so young, how can he know what stepmother and stepmother are?
Didn't those people in the mansion gobble their tongues for the little girl to hear?
Besides, the matter of wanting Yujiao to enter the mansion has not been mentioned yet, so she can't let her feel off.

Mr. Fu said seriously: "Tui'er, you are a big boy too, don't say such silly things! This is your Aunt Lin, she is the kindest woman and she likes children the most. I called you here today to let you Get to know Aunt Lin, I want you to learn more about being a human being from your Aunt Lin."

(End of this chapter)

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