Chapter 188 Wake Up
Send someone here, what will she do?
She really hasn't learned how to detoxify yet!

Right now, Lin Yujiao hated herself for being too stupid. If she could learn the skills in medical books earlier, then she could treat him herself.

"Ah, what should we do?"

A Bing saw how anxious she was, and hurriedly said: "My master's poison is basically cured. It's not long after taking this medicine. It may be that my internal injury is causing trouble again. Don't worry, Mrs. Lin, as long as there is a way to reduce my fever, it will be fine."

How to get rid of the burn caused by the internal injury?
Lin Yujiao didn't care about anything, hurriedly dug out a few medical books, and finally found "Treatise on Febrile Diseases"...

"I'll fetch well water, you can help your master reduce his fever, and I'll give him an injection."

But A Bing was in a hurry: "Ms. Lin, I have to go to my master's younger brother, otherwise something big will happen! I can only rely on you!"

He wants to leave, so what about the fire?
Lin Yujiao became even more anxious: "That's no good, you have to leave, how can we get along with the lonely man and widow? No, you can't go!"

In the past, he climbed the wall and no one saw him, but today it was sent by A Bing!

A Bing also knew that it was inappropriate for him to put his master here, after all, Mrs. Lin was the only woman in her family, and her grandfather was her former uncle.

It's just that he doesn't have to leave: "Ms. Lin, it's a matter of life and death. I have to leave right away! I'm sorry, my father has troubled you!"

After all, A Bing flew up the courtyard wall without waiting for Lin Yujiao to explain...

Back in front of the kang, seeing Li Xiuyu who was about to be burned into charcoal, Lin Yujiao suddenly lost her mind.

Finally, life was more important than anything else, she gritted her teeth and took off Li Xiuyu's shirt.

What a strong figure!

The fever subsided, and when Li Xiuyu's body temperature dropped, Lin Yujiao found a high fever on her face...

The burn lasted for two full hours, and A Bing was gone forever.

Lin Yujiao dragged her tired body to stand up, and then continued to pick up the medical books, looking for a cure for the high fever caused by the recurrence of old injuries.

When Li Xiuyu woke up, he touched something slippery as soon as he stretched out his hand. In a blink of an eye, he saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised: Damn girl, she is sleeping beside the bed. Is it so difficult to step up?
He wanted to get up and hug him to bed, but the wound was in excruciating pain.

Li Xiuyu wanted to wake Lin Yujiao up, but he couldn't bear to part with her quiet and elegant appearance, so he just watched her quietly...

Lin Yujiao didn't expect that she would fall asleep, and she didn't wake up until her hands and feet became numb.

Standing up and almost falling down, Li Xiuyu was in a hurry and didn't dare to pretend to sleep anymore: "Be careful! Why are you sleeping on the edge of the kang? The side is so wide, can't it sleep you?"

It is very inappropriate for men and women to be in the same room. No matter how complicated her heart is, Lin Yujiao will never send herself to a man's bed!
"Master Li, are you awake? Are you hungry? I'll get you some porridge."

Lin Yujiao stood firm and her heart was at peace.

Seeing that she was so unfamiliar to him, Li Xiuyu was annoyed: "Is this how you dislike me? You won't even want to stand for a while!"

Lin Yujiao shook her head slowly: "No, Yujiao is just an abandoned woman, and Lord Li is a god in Yujiao's eyes. How dare I despise you? It's just that Yujiao knows what kind of person she is, so she dare not Disrespect to Master Li."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiuyu suddenly felt a pain in his heart: "Lin Yujiao, do you really only have respect for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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