Chapter 202

"Not too old. She should be 35 or 36 this year. She is five years younger than my uncle. And she looks good. The most important thing is that my uncle liked her when he was young! If it weren't for Mrs. Li, Aunt Liu It's my uncle!"

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Fu suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahaha... This is too appropriate! Or, let her give birth to your uncle again, okay?"

Fortunately, this is a private room, otherwise the laughter still doesn't attract people's attention?
Lin Yujiao's teeth were throbbing. This old man's bad taste turned out to be much stronger than hers!
Good old man~!

If Aunt Liu really gave birth to uncle, would uncle cry out of joy?
Lin Yujiao seemed to see the happy life of her uncle who was not right-minded in the future, she nodded desperately: "Yes, I must have a big fat son!"

Mr. Fu stroked his beard in a good mood: "You're right, you have to have a big fat son to have fun. By the way, does the Chen family have any weaknesses?"

"What Chen Xiaolan is most proud of is that her father works as the shopkeeper of the Liuji grocery store in the town. The grocery store is quite big, and my hall brother also relies on him to work as a clerk there. Chen's looks are very ordinary, because of this person she She just married my eldest brother, and she likes my eldest brother very, very much."

To make someone miserable was to destroy what she was most proud of!
Mr. Fu is an old ginger, so he naturally knows the usefulness of this news.

"Yujiao, don't worry, let Grandpa arrange this slowly. Some things are too fast to achieve the effect, and you may be more satisfied if you slow down."

"Okay, Grandpa Fu, I'm in no hurry."

Really, Lin Yujiao was in no hurry.

From the previous life to this life, she couldn't be in a hurry for the enmity between the two lifetimes!
After returning home, Lin Yujiao washed her hair and took a bath, simply ate some food and went to the kang, closed the doors and windows, lit the oil lamp and began to read medical books.

Because recently she discovered that her memory is getting better and better, and the medical books she has read can be remembered in her heart only after reading them twice.

She knew that to protect herself and brother, she had to become stronger!
As soon as the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, the weather became hot.

People in the village began to give festivals, but Lin Yujiao made up her mind not to go back.

Lin Songtao took a rest today, but he didn't expect that there was an old man at home: "Sister, who is this?"

"Brother Tao, come quickly, this is Mr. Fu, hurry up and call someone."

Mr. Fu looked at Lin Songtao and said with a smile: "This is the younger brother of the charming girl? Well, not bad! The boy has a good complexion and demeanor. Songtao, how are you doing in the academy?"

Today, Mr. Fu said that he would take Lin Yujiao to the Fu's house for the Dragon Boat Festival, but Lin Yujiao really didn't want to go to the Fu's house to soak up the muddy water, so she made an excuse that her younger brother was going home for the holiday today.

Usually, Lin Songtao came back from school the day before, but yesterday Lin Yujiao sent a gift to the academy for him to give to the master, so the master kept him for dinner last night.

Upon hearing this, Lin Songtao immediately saluted: "Boy Lin Songtao has met the old man, thank you for taking care of my sister, I wish the old man a happy holiday!"

Seeing Lin Songtao's politeness, Mr. Fu smiled: "Hehe, you don't need to be too polite, I'm not ashamed to be the son of a scholar, and he has the demeanor of a scholar!"

"Thank you, old man, for boasting!"

The house is full of joy and harmony, and a black face outside the house is about to drip.

A Bing looked at the prey casually thrown in his master's hand, but he stood motionless by the side of the road, so he carefully asked: "Master, don't you want to go in?"

(End of this chapter)

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