Chapter 206 Multiple Choice Questions

Why is the master getting weirder and weirder?
Didn't he just say to go out for a walk, why did he still have problems when he came back?
A Bing nodded without hesitation: "Yeah, my lord just asks, and A Bing knows everything my lord tells me, and I can't stop talking!"

"A Bing, if you were a woman and two men fell in love with you at the same time, would you choose to be the stepmother of a child, or would you choose to be the concubine of a man?"

As soon as the words fell, a group of crows flew over A Bing's head: This woman is too pitiful, right?
A good woman, if she doesn't want to be a stepmother, she has to be a concubine?
Choose one of these two, which one is better?

My God, who is this poor woman?
Neither is good, okay!
A Bing sighed and said: "Master, this woman is really pitiful!"

This woman is poor?
It's obviously poor, is he alright?
Is there something wrong with Ah Bing's brain?
Li Xiuyu stared: "What are you talking about? Where is she pitiful? I let you choose, not for you to say whether she is pitiful or not!"

Why is your lord so angry, he is not that woman!

A Bing stroked his forehead: "My lord, do you want your subordinates to tell the truth?"

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiuyu suddenly became angry: "Could it be that you think I like to listen to lies? You have been with me for ten years, and you don't know my temper?"

——Clear is clear, but the subordinates are afraid that if they say something wrong, they will make the master unhappy!

A Bing lowered his head and grinned: "Master, if it were my woman, I would still choose to be someone's stepmother!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a rage: "Go away! You must be out of your mind, is this a good stepmother? Is someone else's child the one you want to raise as soon as you want? Idiot! You are so stupid !"

Grandpa, what's the matter?
A Bing was dumbfounded: Lord, you told your subordinates to tell the truth. This is the truth of your subordinates. Why are you so angry?
"Master, if you don't kiss other people's children, don't kiss them. Since that man likes her, won't the two of them have children of their own? Although they are stepmothers, they are also legitimate wives anyway, and their own children are legitimate sons. The concubine is naturally different."

With a "bang", Li Xiuyu fell onto the chair - she was going to be Don Cong's wife!
——Damn it, Lin Yujiao, why can't you be wronged, am I still unable to marry a regular wife?
——Could it be possible to marry back, I don’t care if you live or die?
Holding the handle of the chair tightly, Li Xiuyu's face turned pale and his heart tightened: Lin Yujiao, if you marry someone else, you will definitely regret it!
"Master, what's wrong with you, is there something wrong?"

Usually this subordinate is very smart, why is he a complete idiot today?
Can't you say it's better to be a concubine?
Even if she doesn't want to, as long as you say it's better to be a concubine, I'll feel better!
Li Xiuyu, who wanted to beat A Bing in his heart, waved his hand powerlessly: "Go out, I want to rest for a while."


Is it possible that one of the two men mentioned by the master is him?
A Bing went out very aggrieved: Master, just tell me that this is your personal business, can't it be enough?I don't have to find an excuse to let me speak freely...

——You can’t blame me, you told me to tell the truth, and I’m telling the truth. Is there any good woman in the world who would be rushed to become a concubine by a regular wife?
Lin Yujiao didn't know that Li Xiuyu was also struggling. When she got up the next day, she adjusted her mood and worked hard for life.

(End of this chapter)

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