Chapter 209
Seeing no one around, Chen Minsheng became courageous: Today is God's blessing, will he not succeed?
Seeing Lin Yu's exquisite figure and fair and tender face, Chen Minsheng immediately associated with Liu Cuihuan's rough skin, and his heart beat fast...

"Yes, there is a lot of land at home, and the second stubble hasn't been planted yet. Mrs. Lin, I heard you have a few acres of land, but have you tidied it up?"

Although she didn't want to talk to this person, she had to deal with it out of face. Lin Yujiao knew that if she wanted to live in this village, she wouldn't offend too many people.

"I'm sorry, I only collect rent on my land, and I don't care about other things."

Sure enough, he is a good candidate for a wife. If you want good looks, good craftsmanship, and dowry, this must be the wife that God gave him!

Chen Minsheng got closer and closer: "It's not worth renting to others. Mrs. Lin, you are a delicate and weak woman. You can't grow it yourself. Why don't you want to grow it for me when you come back?"

He planted for her?

Looking at Chen Minsheng who was getting closer and closer to her, Lin Yujiao felt defensive: "Brother Chen is joking, we have no relatives and no reason, how can I let you plant it? No need."

Unexpectedly, Lin Yujiao took a step away, and Chen Minsheng took a step forward: "Miss Lin, my mother sent a matchmaker to your house twice to propose marriage. Why didn't you agree? Can you give me a reason?"

A man directly talking about marriage with a woman is completely belittling her rhythm!
Lin Yujiao got annoyed, and immediately stood up with a serious face: "Chen Minsheng, what is the reason for this? The reason is that I don't want to spoil the marriage. I know that you and Liu Cuihuan are in love, and I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Minsheng looked surprised: "Hey, you have not been here for a long time, and you know a lot of things? Miss Lin, don't you think that a man can only have one woman? Here I can swear: she is She, you are you, as long as you enter my Chen family, the mistress must be you!"

Hearing this, Lin Yu was disgusted to death, and at the same time knew: Today this person is uneasy and kind!
Thinking of this, she immediately jumped to a hurdle: "Chen Minsheng, you are shameless! Are you worthy of Liu Cuihuan's infatuation for you?"

Ever since he found out that Lin Yujiao had rejected her marriage, Chen Minsheng had thought about it many times, but he never found a chance.

This opportunity came today, and Chen Minsheng would not let it go.

"Miss Lin, I am honest, how can I become shameless? Of course, if you don't like my relationship with Liu Shi, then I will break up with her in the future. As long as you agree to marry me, I will listen to you. ?”

"I don't agree, and I won't marry you either! Chen Minsheng, you're so determined!"

Seeing that Lin Yujiao wanted to escape, Chen Minsheng immediately rushed over to stop her: "Miss Lin, why are you running? I've already talked about this, and you still don't agree?"

Looking at Chen Minsheng's lascivious eyes, Lin Yujiao scolded angrily: "Chen Minsheng, what do you want to do? Dachu Kingdom has laws, so don't mess around!"


How can you embrace a beauty if you don't mess around?

This beauty only has one younger brother, who can support her?
When the raw rice is made into cooked rice, he will see if she will marry or not!
"What do I want to do? Mrs. Lin, you are here too. Why do you still have to ask me what I want to do? Since you asked, I will tell you that I want to fuck you! Come on, when we become husband and wife, I will take good care of you." your!"

"Go away! If you mess around again, I'm going to call someone!"

Lin Yujiao roared angrily...

(End of this chapter)

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