Chapter 218

So you want to leave?
Li Xiucheng stopped Lin Yujiao: "Hey, little lady, you've been dry after talking for so long, how about I treat you to tea? I'm a business partner from now on, so don't be too polite."

Want to take advantage?
Lin Yujiao contemptuously said from the bottom of her heart, "Young master, there is a patient at home who is waiting for money to hire a doctor. I can't wait. Besides, my family has not had enough food for several days, so I have to go back quickly. I will definitely treat you to tea next time."

It is said that beauty wants your love and my wish is the highest state!
Such a beauty, I don't know what kind of beauty it will be when she voluntarily undresses him?
The more shy and coquettish Lin Yujiao was, the more elated Li Xiucheng was: "Little lady, since you're so busy, I won't keep you. But how many days can you deliver this plaster? Say good day, our youth over there How about Lin Tea House?"

Without a charter, I'm afraid this idiot won't let her go.

"Okay, this plaster is not so easy to make, it takes about ten days to make such a small amount, or I will deliver the plaster six times a month from now on?"

Sew six?

This little beauty will come to see him at least three times a month?
One tael of silver at a time is enough. After three times, he is still afraid that she won't take the bait?
The more Li Xiucheng thought about it, the happier he became, and he hurriedly agreed: "Okay, okay, then it's settled!"

Just like that, did he believe it?
Such a fool, no wonder he couldn't even pass the county test after studying for more than ten years!
How could my own parents choose such a stupid man for her?

Really not in the mood to talk to an idiot, Lin Yujiao smiled faintly: "Yes, my lord, my little girl bid farewell, see you next time!"

"Hey hey hey, see you later!"

Standing at the street corner, Li Xiucheng drooled as he stared at the beautiful figure.

Seeing Lin Yujiao walking away, he suddenly remembered something: "Hey, little lady, what's your name?"

Lin Yujiao had disappeared at the corner of the street, and just as Li Xiucheng was about to chase after her, a man stopped him with a smile: "Oh, brother-in-law, it's not bad, you actually met such a beautiful lady?"

Seeing this person, Li Xiucheng felt annoyed: Why did I meet him?
"Uncle, why are you here?"

Ji San squinted at Li Xiucheng: "Why do you think I'm here? Because my brother-in-law is hooking up with the little beauty here, can I do my sister a favor if I don't come?"

How can you be worthy of your sister, how important is your sister in your eyes?
Li Xiucheng put on a flattering face: "Brother, isn't it normal for this man to play tricks every time? I'm just helping that little lady. She is really in trouble. Today is a coincidence, brother-in-law, I'll treat my brother-in-law to drink tea." how?"

"What? You want to dismiss me with just a cup of tea? Li Xiucheng, do you think I, Ji Qiye, have never drunk tea?"

The corner of Li Xiucheng's mouth twitched as soon as the words were finished: "Brother, what do you want to drink?"

"I, I want to have a drink with that little beauty! How about it, you don't want me to tell you about today's affairs, but next time you have a date with that little beauty, you must let me know! Beauty, it's only fun if we play together Yes or no?"

Li Xiucheng is a typical person with evil heart but no guts. He was scared by Ji Qiyi and immediately surrendered: "Okay, okay, I will definitely call you when the time comes, if I don't call you, I won't be able to be hard!"

"Hahaha...It really is my brother-in-law! Okay, that's it, let's go, my brother invites you to drink tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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