Chapter 237

Lin Songyuan drank a large bowl of water: "We don't know about this, but your grandma's family is really messed up. Yumei ran away the same night she married into the Liu family, and she was caught by the Liu family after a while. This is honest. Your uncle is going to Liu's house to make trouble, but your uncle doesn't want to go, and then she makes trouble and scolds every day, and now your uncle goes out at dawn and enters at night."

Lin Yumei wants to run away from Liu's house?
Ha ha…

Lin Yujiao knew that Lin Yumei must have been drugged at that time, so she married Liu Dawu desperately.

By the time she got married, the medicine had lost its effect, so she made a fuss about not getting married!
But who is Liu Dawu?
A local rascal who has been in the town for more than [-] years, even if he has a very bad reputation, he also has a vicious and vicious old lady!

She, Lin Yumei, wanted to leave the Liu family, how could it be so easy?
Grandpa died, Lin Yujiao had no choice but to go back.

"Brother Yuan, I'm going to the academy to ask for leave for my younger brother. You can have some snacks first, and we'll leave after dinner."

Lin Songyuan came in a carriage from the town, and came out before dawn, and he was hungry.

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Lin Songtao heard that his grandfather had died, so he asked for leave and came out with Lin Yujiao.

"Sister, it will be almost noon. I don't know if there is a carriage to the town after dinner. I still have the pocket money you gave me here. Shall I hire a carriage?"

Lin Yujiao thought it made sense when she heard it, and now she doesn't have such a lot of money.

"Okay, I'll go home and cook first, and come as soon as you hire a car."

The two siblings separated and left, and when Lin Yujiao arrived home, Lin Songtao came back before the cooking was done, "Sister, Big Brother Fu is here."

Is Fu Yuanying here?
Could it be that he is still investigating the case here?
While Lin Yujiao was thinking, Fu Yuanying had already entered: "Sister Yujiao, I just haven't eaten yet, cook more."

Seeing Fu Yuanying's gentle smile, Lin Yujiao was a little flustered: "Brother Fu, you can eat noodles for lunch, right?"

Fu Yuanying smiled: "Eat, why don't you eat? The girl's craftsmanship is delicious. This is your cousin?"

Lin Yujiao immediately introduced: "Brother Yuan, this is the head of the Yamen of Yunzhou City."

Lin Songyuan had only met the mayor, and when he heard that he was a senior official in Yunzhou Prefecture, he immediately became a little anxious: "Hello, my name is Lin Songyuan, and I am the grandson of Uncle Yujiao."

Fu Yuanying nodded: "Hi, sit down. Sister Yujiao is my grandfather's benefactor, she is like my own sister, you don't have to restrain yourself."

Sister Yujiao actually saved the grand official's grandfather?
Lin Songyuan heard that his uncle's prescriptions for the plaster came from Lin Yujiao. He knew that she had learned some skills in the Li family, but he didn't expect her to be so talented.

"My sister Yujiao is a poor girl, please take care of me in the future."

Fu Yuanying took a sip of the herbal tea that Lin Songtao handed over, and then sat down: "It's nothing, this is what I should do. I heard from A Tao that something happened to his grandpa, and I will go with their siblings later. My grandpa asked me to pay homage."

After hearing this, Lin Yujiao suddenly realized: So the old man asked him to come?
It seems that the old man is afraid that she will suffer losses if she goes to the Lin family!
With Fu Yuanying accompanying her, Lin Yujiao felt at ease.

Because they were leaving, everyone ate bowls of noodles hastily, and Lin Yujiao went to Niu's house to explain and left in a hurry.

And Lin Songyuan didn't know until he got on the carriage that the carriage that the high official of Yunzhou Prefecture was riding in was really called a carriage...

(End of this chapter)

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