Chapter 239
Lin Songtao doesn't know how to swear, knowing that if she continues, she will pour dirty water on her sister.

Immediately, he was so angry that he glared at Lin Yumei bitterly, and then went to the ceremony room.

Only a few sons were saddened by the death of old man Lin, after all, they were relatives of Lao Tzu.

But none of these daughters-in-law and granddaughters are really sad, after all, the old man is not a kind elder.

Lin Yumei returned to Shoucai resentfully, crawled beside Lin Li and muttered: "Mother, that bitch actually hooked up with the arresting head of the Yunzhou Mansion, and the man even said that her grandpa is his grandpa. It's really shameless to bring back a wild man without getting married!"

It is natural to say that Lin Li's family dotes on Lin Yumei, after all, she is her only daughter.

But these days, because of her tossing and tossing, the house is uneasy, and even her man dislikes her. Lin Li would be lying if she said that she was not bothered.

Seeing that her daughter was indignant again, although Lin Li hated Lin Yujiao and wished she would die immediately, she didn't dare to make trouble for a while.

Lowering her voice, Mrs. Lin Li drank in a low voice: "Just shut up, and don't look at the occasion now? Will your grandma forgive you when you start a fight? You are jealous that she is doing well. Back then you Why are you messing around? If you weren't messing around, wouldn't it be you who is arrogant now?"

If Lin Yumei was able to come back today, it was because the Lin family members went to pick her up in person, otherwise the Liu family would not let her go.

That's it, Liu Dawu also followed.

Of course, he also had a reason. When his wife's grandfather died, his grandson-in-law would naturally come to the funeral.

Thinking about Liu Dawu's wretched appearance, and then thinking about Mr. Fu's handsome appearance just now, Lin Yumei's eyes became more intense: "I don't care, anyway, I won't let her marry into such a good family!"

The family is already in a mess, Lin Li felt a little annoyed: "Mei'er, what are you going to do? Since she has hooked up with a high official, don't mess around and hurt yourself."

She is already like this, how can she hurt herself?
She has been so unfortunate all her life, how can she let that bitch live better than her?
If she had married into the Li family, would she still be tortured by the Liu family?
Thinking of her current situation, Lin Yumei hated Lin Yujiao from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet!

She gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "I want someone to ruin her! Find a few old beggars to rape her, I see if Mr. Fu still wants her!"

Lin Li didn't hesitate to ruin Lin Yujiao, but it couldn't be two days.

"Hold it for now, let's talk about it in a few days. It's not that I don't know where she lives, so why are you so anxious!"

"Mom, do you agree to help me?"

In the mother's heart, for her daughter's misfortune, everyone is her enemy!

Lin Yujiao had a better life than her own daughter, but Lin Li just couldn't see it.

She said in a low voice: "Who am I not going to help? You are my daughter! The mother and daughter are both fox spirits. If they want to live a good life, it depends on whether they have this life!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yumei's face burst into ecstasy: "Mother, if you give me ten taels of silver, I will definitely find some beggars to destroy her! Let me see how she gets married!"

"Understood, don't cause trouble for me these two days, or I won't help you. Do you hear me?"

"heard it!

The voices of the two were very low, and the two of them were closest to the big tree. When the Li mother and daughter began to howl falsely, a figure flashed past.

 I didn’t see any comments~~ Dear friends~~ There will be a big meal~~ Believe in Huahua~~
(End of this chapter)

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