Chapter 246 The Father's Affirmation
As soon as the words came to an end, Mr. Fu stared at him: "Hey! What's the big deal for me! So it's such a trivial matter, and you're so worried that you don't want to get married anymore?"

"Old man, this is no small matter!"

Unexpectedly, the old man smiled: "Son, anyone who is willing to marry you sincerely will naturally treat your younger brother as his own younger brother. Don't worry about this. Tell me, what kind of family do you want to marry, and tell me your requirements. You choose?"

The eldest grandson really likes this child, and I hope this child also really likes his eldest grandson, so that the couple can love each other forever!
The reason why Mr. Fu forced Lin Yujiao like this was because he wanted to know what she thought. If she liked each other as much as his grandson, then he would have a sense of accomplishment.

Is this impossible to refuse?
If the Fu family didn't have such a big family background, if the Fu family didn't have such a complicated family, if Fu Yuanying didn't have a pair of children before him, how good it would be?
Whenever Lin Yujiao thought of Fu Yuanying's infatuated gaze, her face would heat up and her heart would beat wildly.

In fact, since Fu Yuanying often made excuses to come in for tea, Lin Yujiao thought about it many times: If Fu Yuanying was just an ordinary citizen, as long as he was honest, no matter how poor or miserable, she would not be afraid.

As long as he treats her well, she is willing to suffer hardships and support the family with him.

But no if!
Big family, it's really too complicated!

Her second marriage without any background, there is no way for her to gain a foothold in a family with a stepmother, a difficult sister-in-law, and stepchildren!

Lin Yujiao didn't want the old man to be uncomfortable, so she looked at old man Fu sincerely and said, "Master Fu, I have never planned to marry again. I really haven't thought about it. However, after we left I swore that I would never be a concubine in this life!"

"Not a concubine? Yujiao, what are you thinking, child? How can you think of such a thing? But any woman with a little bit of backbone will not be a concubine for others. What is a concubine? A concubine is a slave, and the child born They are all half-slaves. How can a child like you be a concubine? If a man really likes a woman, it is absolutely impossible for her to be a concubine."

If a man really likes a woman, it is absolutely impossible to wrong her to be a concubine?
Sure enough, that man didn't really like her, he just regarded her as a plaything.

Thinking of Li Xiuyu's every request, Lin Yujiao's heart became cold in an instant.

"Old man, you are right. A woman who is willing to be a concubine does not take herself seriously."

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Fu looked at Lin Yujiao with more appreciation: "Sure enough, my vision is right. You look delicate and soft, but you are a girl with ambition in your bones! Okay, I like it! Girl, take care Think about what kind of person you want to marry, and when you figure it out, tell me, grandpa is your master!"

As soon as Mr. Fu's words fell, Lin Yujiao felt sore in her heart. If she had a grandfather who loved her so much, how great would it be?
Although she is not qualified to enter the Fu family to be the head of the house, Lin Yujiao is very grateful in her heart: "Thank you, old man, I will definitely think about it and tell you when the time comes."

Mr. Fu has lived for decades and has seen countless people. He can naturally see the inferiority complex in Lin Yujiao's eyes.

"Son, there are high and low births, but not all people with noble births have good character. What people look at is character! It is important for a rich family to marry a daughter-in-law, but character is even more important! If you live with Grandpa, you are no worse than anyone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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