Chapter 254 Who Bullied You
Lin Yujiao knew that she was out of anger today, but the consequences were very serious. I am afraid that the Huang family will not let her go!

Whether this oath really worked, she couldn't estimate at all.

How to do?
Go to Fu Yuanying and ask him to get rid of the flies around him?
But Lin Yujiao knew that Fu Cuirou, a child, was involved in today's incident, and Fu Yuanying could only warn the Huang family...

When the tired Li Xiuyu jumped in the door, he saw Lin Yujiao who was in a panic, her face was red and swollen, and she was unconscious on the ground. She was frightened out of her wits: "Jiaojiao... Jiaojiao... What's wrong with you? Why are you just sitting on the ground? What happened? ?”

Lin Yujiao never expected that she would fall asleep sitting on the ground. She opened her eyes and pushed Li Xiuyu away coldly: "Master Li, I'm fine, you don't need to worry about it!"

That's it, is it all right?
His people were bullied like this?
Immediately, Li Xiuyu's eyes became cold, and the anxiety on his face immediately turned into Shura: "Lin Yujiao, did you tell me yourself, or should I go and find out what happened? Tell me, who beat you?"

"Don't worry about my affairs! You go, you men, none of you are good!"

Men are not a good person?
Li Xiuyu's face became even darker, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Did Fu Yuanying bully you? Tell me, is it him!"

One or two men bully her like this!
The man in front of him bullied her that she had no background, and only wanted her to be his concubine.

Fu Yuanying herself is pretty good, but he can't figure out what's going on around him. His daughter is so naughty, and his sister-in-law is so bullying, asking her to give her life to him like this?
"What's none of your business? Whoever bullies me is also my business! Master Li, you are too lenient!"

Lin Yujiao's stubbornness made Li Xiuyu explode. He hugged the person in front of him, his heart hurt like a needle: "Lin Yujiao, if you don't tell me the matter, I will make it my business immediately!"

Being picked up, Lin Yujiao panicked even more: "What are you going to do? Li Xiuyu, besides bullying me, what other abilities do you have!"

Hearing this, Li Xiuyu's eyes were filled with pain: He did bully her, but that was not his intention, because he knew that if he did not appear in this way, he would not be able to approach her with legitimate reasons!
However, this is the only woman he can bully, Li Xiuyu. If others want to bully her, just one word: die!

"Lin Yujiao, I, Li Xiuyu, have many abilities, but I just can't really bully you! Tell me, who bullied you. Please tell me, please, don't dig out my heart! I will definitely avenge you !"

Lin Yujiao closed her eyes in pain when she heard the words: "Li Xiuyu, this time someone bullied me, you can avenge me. But this life is so long, and there will always be people who don't have long eyes. Can you always avenge me? You Let's go, let me live my own life, I, Lin Yujiao, can't afford to provoke you powers, I really can't!"

These words were like a knife cutting Li Xiuyu's heart. In the middle of the night before yesterday, he gritted his teeth and galloped to Chenzhou with his sick horse. Along the way, he told himself that there are many women in the world, and a woman like Lin Yujiao who doesn't know what to do, she doesn't want it up.

However, even if he didn't close his eyes these two days, all he could think about was her face!

He hurt her, Li Xiuyu knew.

At first, he wanted her to be a concubine because he felt that she was really not worthy of the position of his wife.

But later, he discovered that although she was lowly, she was more noble than any noble lady.

(End of this chapter)

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