Chapter 256 Determination
Lin Yujiao's heart aches for Li Xiuyu's humiliation, but such a proud man is humiliating to a woman like her, what can Lin Yujiao do?
Looking up at Li Xiuyu's exhaustion, Lin Yujiao burst into tears again: They are all fine, but is Lin Yujiao's life too thin? That's why God can't do it.

——Why don't you fulfill me?I didn't make any mistakes in my previous life, God, why don't you help me?

——I don't need two such excellent men to like me, one is enough!

——I really have no ambitions. They don’t need to be so good. As long as their families are simple, kind, honest and ordinary, I’m satisfied!
——Why, I just ask for such a little bit, why can't I be fulfilled, God!
Her heart ached more and more, Lin Yujiao couldn't hold back her tears, and they fell down...

Seeing Lin Yujiao burst into tears suddenly, Li Xiuyu became anxious: "Jiaojiao, don't cry, I'll go, I'll go right away, okay? When you cry, I'll feel pain here!"

After all, Li Xiuyu pointed to his chest...

Seeing him like this, Lin Yujiao wanted to cry even more.

But what's the use of her crying, no matter how much she cries, she can't be the master of the sky!

Grabbing Li Xiuyu who was about to get up, Lin Yujiao wiped away her tears and made up her mind: "I'll fetch water for you, you can wash and go to your brother's room to rest for a while, and I'll make you something to eat."

As soon as these words fell, Li Xiuyu was pleasantly surprised: "Jiaojiao, do you feel sorry for me? Don't feel bad, I'm fine. It's just that I'm a little busy these days, and I'll be fine after I've been busy for a while."

Although Lin Yujiao never asked what Li Xiuyu was doing, she knew that what he was doing was extremely dangerous, and she might even die if she was not careful.

She couldn't repay him with her whole life, but she could cook a meal for him.

"Don't you like the food I cook? You get up after a while, and I'll make it."

Li Xiuyu hugged Lin Yujiao tightly when he heard the words, and exhaled a long breath from the bottom of his heart: "Jiaojiao, I won't be able to make up my mind if you do this! Bad girl, you are testing me!"

She's really not testing him, it's just that such a good man treats her so well, how can she be so ruthless?

Lin Yujiao moaned her lips: "I didn't! I just want to repay you, although I know I can't repay you at all. I'm not stupid, I know you are good to me, but God is not perfect."

Looking at the eyes with tears in front of him, Li Xiuyu lowered his head and kissed him: "Fortunately, not too stupid!"

Isn't she too stupid?
Although this action was not profane, but it was too intimate, Lin Yujiao blushed and pushed him away: "I'm not stupid!"

This coquettishness pleased Li Xiuyu, and upon hearing this, he laughed 'hehe': "Well, you're not stupid, it's me, okay?"

Tangtang Tanhualang is a fool?
Lin Yujiao knew that this man was being stubborn again, so she pushed him away with red eyes: "You bullied me!"

Seeing the woman he likes acting like a baby, Li Xiuyu's mood is getting better and better: "Hee hee, what's wrong with me bullying you? I just want to bully you, I want to bully you hard! Jiaojiao, what should I do?"

After all, this man is no longer serious!

She knew that this was just to make her happy, but Lin Yujiao was afraid that she would cry again, so she ran away immediately: "I don't care about you! Get water, wash your face and tidy up yourself, and I'll make you tea right away."

Seeing this delicate appearance, Li Xiuyu wanted to say that he might not be able to stay for long, and that he might have to leave at any time.

However, he was reluctant to leave.

Maybe this is the last time they get together...

"Jiaojiao, I just want to eat a bowl of Yangchun noodles made by you."

(End of this chapter)

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