Chapter 312
When the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, Uncle Jiang's body was basically back to normal, and he would be able to live for a few more years as long as he took care of himself in the future. So after Lin Yujiao formulated a new prescription, the Jiang family returned to the city.

Aunt Jiang's family helped Lin Yujiao move the things into a small courtyard only a few meters away from her home.

Aunt Jiang knows how to behave, and most people in the village surnamed Jiang have a good relationship with her.

It was heard that Lin Yujiao had moved, and everyone came to help with great enthusiasm.

Qian Juchun, as Aunt Jiang's eldest daughter-in-law, and Lin Yujiao was her child's lifesaver, naturally regarded Lin Yujiao's yard as her own, and urged her man to tidy up the yard as if it were new two days ago.

Seeing her daughter-in-law helping her clean up after busy work, Mrs. Jiang was finally satisfied: "Yujiao, although the yard is a bit small, my house has been tidying up all the time. Don't be disgusted with it."

After getting along for two months, Lin Yujiao felt that Mrs. Jiang was the second Mrs. Niu, and said with a smile: "Mother, if you say that, I will blush. I am not from a young lady. The family who worked in the fields grew up and lived in such a nice yard, it’s good for me.”

Because Lin Yujiao was afraid of being entangled with her family and wanted to settle in Shangping Village, Aunt Jiang was very happy.

After hearing this, she smiled happily: "This kid can talk. Okay, I'll go back and cook first, and you come over for dinner all the time."

On the first day of moving, Mrs. Jiang asked for a treat, and Lin Yujiao naturally agreed. She might have to live here for several years in the future, and a good relationship is very important.

Qian Chunju saw that there was nothing to clean up, so she took the child from Lin Yujiao's hands: "Sister, Fusheng has fallen asleep, I will carry him back, and you can see if there is anything that hasn't been cleaned up properly. I'll help my mother cook , come back later."

"Okay, sister-in-law, don't be too polite. You have just given birth for a few days, so don't let yourself be exhausted."

Qian Chunju's eyes were red when she heard the words: "Sister, I am reborn as a human being. Without you, our mother and son may never see this world again. I feel at ease by helping you do some small things."

As a woman, Lin Yujiao understood Qian Chunju's thoughts better.

Married into Jiang's family for ten years, had two daughters in a row and no son, even if Mrs. Jiang is a good mother-in-law, but a woman without a son always lacks confidence in her heart.

But this third child finally got a son, but the mother and son almost went to see the King of Hades, which woman would not be grateful?
It's just that people's gratitude is someone's gratitude, but she can't sleep on it.

"Sister-in-law, you are good enough to me, but don't always feel that you owe me. I will live here alone in the future, and I am afraid there will be many things to bother you. If you are too polite, I will not Sorry."

These days, the boss of the Jiang family is almost busy with his small yard, renovating the house but not charging any money. Lin Yujiao is not a heartless person, so she naturally keeps it in her heart.

But Qian Chunju's face was serious when she heard the words: "Sister, you are Fusheng's godmother, we will be a family from now on, don't talk about troubles, otherwise I will feel uneasy. That's fine, since you live in the future Now, we have plenty of time to talk, I'll go back and help my mother first."

After Qian Chunju passed by, Lin Yujiao entered the room and looked inside, and was immediately moved.

After the house was packed, Lin Yujiao went to Jiang's house.

(End of this chapter)

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