Chapter 322 Don't Want To Forgive
Lin Yujiao's cruelty brought Li Xiuyu more pain.

The originally delicate and weak woman became so extreme because of him, he should be damned!
If he kneels in front of her in exchange for her forgiveness and love, he doesn't care at all.


"Jiaojiao, let's find another way. You can let me kneel in the yard for five days and five nights, and I am willing to swear poisonous oath to the sky. But kneeling outside is not acceptable. If someone catches you, you will be accused of humiliating the court order !I can ask your forgiveness in any way, but I can't cause you big trouble!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yujiao was taken aback: she was really dizzy, she really forgot his identity!
On this point, Li Xiuyu didn't tell lies, and he didn't mean to scare her. After all, she had heard too many such things in the Jiang family for seven years in her previous life.

Even if Li Xiuyu really thought of her, Lin Yujiao was not ready to appreciate it: "Then you go!"

Since she wants him to atone now, then he will go, as long as she is no longer angry!
Li Xiuyu quickly got off the kang, stepped on his shoes and went out. After a while, the message came: I, Li Xiuyu, swear to the heavens that if I lie to Lin Yujiao and bully Lin Yujiao again in this life, I will be hit by thunder!

Listening to Li Xiuyu's powerful oath, Lin Yujiao sat on the kang without moving, as if she was sitting in a trance like an old monk, she sat blankly with a blank mind...

The wind in early autumn is very mild, blowing the raindrops on the ground and fluttering in the air.

Time seems to have stood still, and there is loneliness inside and outside the house...

That night, Lin Yujiao didn't eat, drink, or move, and Li Xiuyu in the yard didn't eat, drink, or move either. The only thing that was chirping was Qiu Chong, which showed that there was still life in the yard.

Just after dawn, there was a rooster crowing in the distance, followed by a dog barking: a new day has begun, and everyone on the left and right is getting up.

Lin Yujiao finally woke up, and when she could move, she found that her numb feet were suddenly painful to the bottom of her heart: hurts...a tear fell down her face.

After sitting for a while, the leg pain finally disappeared.

Wiping away the tears from her face, she slowly turned her head out of the window, a ray of morning light poured into Lin Yujiao's hands, and she looked out of the window numbly.

Suddenly, there was a pain in my stomach.

Lin Yujiao suddenly raised her hand and slapped herself hard: Lin Yujiao, what are you doing!
For a man, even forgetting the child in his stomach?
- You are so useless!You are not fit to be a mother!

Feeling finally recovered in her legs, Lin Yujiao slowly got off the kang.

Walking to the door, Lin Yujiao still saw the figure kneeling on the ground in the courtyard, and suddenly she vomited with a "wow"...


Lin Yujiao has never vomited since she was pregnant.

Since yesterday afternoon, she didn't eat anything, only Qingshui was vomited out: "Go away, I don't want you to worry about it!"

"Jiaojiao, I, Li Xiuyu, have only kneeled before heaven, earth, kings and teachers in my life, and only when my grandfather died! I am willing to kneel to you because I am sorry for you. I will finish kneeling for five days and five nights you want, But at this time you are not good, very bad, let me help you to the kang first, okay?"

Lin Yujiao stroked her belly and refused to let Li Xiuyu touch it. Even if he knelt down, she didn't want to forgive him!
"Go away! I don't want people who look down on me to touch me! You look down on me in your bones, but you come to tease me again and again, I know you don't treat me as a human being at all! Li Xiuyu, please go! I don't want to be looked down on by someone in my bones My people have come to ruin my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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