Chapter 334 What Is Important

Even though Li Xiuyu said it was very destructive, Li He didn't give up: "Yu'er, I know you don't like Qiutang, but the niece of your third aunt's family is nice and beautiful, so wouldn't it be more suitable for you to marry her?" ?Then Lin’s talking about it, why are they all your younger siblings, are you not afraid of losing face if you say it? "

After all, my mother just doesn't like Jiaojiao!
Li Xiuyu knew the reason why she didn't like Jiaojiao. His mother was dissatisfied with her grandmother using her youngest son to repay her kindness.

What's wrong with Jiaojiao?
Although Li Xiuyu felt that Lin Yujiao was not obedient and well-behaved on the surface, he believed that Lin Yujiao was a kind woman in his bones.

Li Xiuyu made up his mind to marry Lin Yujiao because he missed her so much.

I miss her tenderness and loveliness, her kind and pretentious temperament, her pink and glutinous little face, and her fragrant...

Li Xiuyu would never tell anyone that he had gone to other women because of anger.

But he found that as soon as he saw other women start to take off their clothes, he wanted to throw up!
Since I like her, why use all kinds of restraints to force myself?
After living for 26 years, Li Xiuyu found that he had never had one or one thing or person he wanted, and now he just wanted Lin Yujiao.

As soon as he closes his eyes, he wants to hug her, kiss her, bully her fiercely, and hear her humming and begging for mercy in his arms like a milk cat!
Why did he want to satisfy his heart, but so many people opposed it?

Are they his relatives?
The more Li He said Lin Yujiao was bad, the more Li Xiuyu understood why Lin Yujiao refused to enter the Li family.

He spent so much effort to get Jiaojiao to agree to come in, and he also promised to protect her, so that no one can bully her in the future!

Finally, Li Xiuyu showed his official authority: "Mother, I don't think there is any need to talk about the shameful thing! I have made it very clear, I don't want to be said that I am ungrateful! If Lin's matter is found out, Don't say that I want to go further, I'm afraid I don't even want to wear this black gauze hat. If my mother definitely doesn't want me to be an official, then you insist on letting me marry someone else!"

The eldest grandson has no official position, so what is the Li family?
Although Mrs. Li is old and knows a lot, she knows nothing about officialdom.

But what the old lady understood was that her eldest grandson's return this time represented the emperor's visit, and he had a heavy burden on his shoulders, and he was exhausted every time he came back.

Since Mrs. Lin saved him, he stained Mrs. Lin's body, and Mrs. Lin still has the flesh and blood of Mrs. Lin's family in her belly, the grandson is naturally responsible!

——This kid is not an emotional person, he only thinks about the future of the Li family!

The old lady Li felt sorry for her eldest grandson, and finally made a decision: "Okay! Don't say anything to anyone, just do as Yu'er says! Whoever affects Yu'er's future, she is the sinner of the Li family!"

Although Li He was unwilling, how could she dare to object to her mother-in-law's decision?
Not objecting, doesn't mean Li He doesn't hate her!
——Lin Yujiao, why don't you die?
——You dare to occupy the position of my eldest daughter-in-law, I won't let you go!

After Li's elders settled it, Li Xiuyu was ready to discuss the marriage.

But before he could open his mouth, Li Xiucheng ran in sweating all over his face: "Brother, you said you want to marry Mrs. Lin as your first wife? Is Mrs. Ji talking nonsense?"

(End of this chapter)

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