Chapter 351 Paving the way for myself

Not to mention the Jiang family, Lin Yujiao is also very warm...

Satisfied, Li Xiuyu hugged Lin Yujiao in his arms: "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind... My good wife, it is really nice to have you as my wife!"

Shaking her sore palms, Lin Yujiao pouted, "You liar! I don't care about you!"

Li Xiuyu refused: "Stinky Jiaojiao, how could I have lied to you?"

"You still said you didn't lie? Didn't you say you only touched it?"

Li Xiuyu laughed with a "poof": "It's just touching, and I didn't let you bite! Do you feel that you have suffered a disadvantage, and you and I are the only ones who are happy? Wife, wait a few days, I promise to make you so happy that you can't find the north!"

what a man!
Speaking of this kind of thing, it's really bottomless!

"Get away! I'm pregnant! Keep talking nonsense, I won't let you in the next time you come!"

Alas, it's a good thing for the little daughter-in-law to suddenly turn red because her skin is thin, it's so pretty.

But it's not a good thing to be too thin-skinned, he can't get through other things, just a little bit of talking?
"Okay, okay, I'm not talking nonsense! Daughter-in-law, let me squint for a while, I think you haven't slept well these two days."

Think she didn't sleep well?
You must be thinking about how to convince your family that you didn't sleep well, right?
big liar!
Although she was not ashamed of Li Xiuyu's coquettish behavior, Lin Yujiao was embarrassed to say it when she saw that Li Xiuyu's face was really full of tiredness.

Seeing Li Xiuyu breathing evenly, Lin Yujiao quietly left the room: "Mother Wan, is there enough food?"

The rice is already on the pot, and Mrs. Wan is choosing vegetables: "Grandma, there are vegetables. The vegetables that Jiang's family sent today are freshly picked from the field, and they are much fresher than those in the city."

Lin Yujiao looked at the ground and picked up two green cucumbers: "Mother Wan, I remember that Grandpa likes cucumbers soaked in vinegar, don't you? This cucumber happens to be fresh, so I'll make one for him. By the way, after you choose the vegetables, wash them and cut them up first." , let me fry it."

Grandma doing it herself?
As soon as the words were over, my mother said immediately: "Grandma, you are pregnant with a child, how can I let you cook? No, let this old slave come."

Lin Yujiao picked up a kitchen knife and slowly peeled off the cucumber skin: "Mother Wan, we are a village woman, we can't become rich before our days are rich, can we? Farm women, whoever is not a child is about to give birth, will return it." Working in the fields? I can’t even see my belly, so why can’t I cook something for my future husband? Are you right?”

As if there was a sympathy, the more Mrs. Wan listened, the more she listened: "Grandma, it's really a blessing to marry you! If you want to marry a lady from a great family as Madam said, I'm afraid you will have to find a few people to wait on her." OK."

"Hehe... Mrs. Li wants to have a good family and face. She naturally looks down on me as a peasant woman."

Wan Pozi wanted to say: Marrying a lady from a great family would give me some face, but not my liking!

The Ji family is the county magistrate's daughter. When did the Li family stay quiet after she came in?
"Grandma, it takes a long time to see people's hearts. Madam, she will always see whether it is our village women who lose face, or everyone's ladies are trying to save her face."

The two of them were talking while preparing the dishes. After a while, the meal was ready, and three dishes and one soup were served...

Looking at the delicious dishes, Wan Pozi sighed: "Grandma, if the old lady didn't recognize you, otherwise, when it comes to the sky, I don't believe you will be the old Lin!"

With a sound of "puchi", Lin Yujiao was delighted: "Mother Wan, you really know how to praise Yujiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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