Chapter 567
Seeing Chen Hu's loyal face again, Li Xiuyu raised his eyes and said deliberately: "Your sister-in-law is right, what I told you is Miss Zhu's experience and character, but I didn't tell you that she is as beautiful as a flower. Ah Hu, it is said that different flowers are in different eyes, some people may be a flower in your eyes, and some people may be a cow dung in your eyes. You have to think clearly for yourself."

Why did the elder brother cheat him so much?
He married a daughter-in-law as beautiful as a flower, and lied to his brothers and sisters that she was a village girl.

He didn't expect to marry such a beauty as the master's wife, but if he really married a big man, would his mother be sad in the underground?
Although character is more important, but he is too ugly...

Chen Hu wanted to cry: "Eldest brother, you can't do this! If you really want to grow into a big face, don't you think it's dazzling when I bring your junior brother in front of you? Senior sister-in-law, I never thought of marrying a beautiful woman , I just want to marry a woman who is educated and reasonable. But if you really can't see it, you have to understand me, but I will avenge her revenge!"

Is this really a real eye?
Lin Yujiao was overjoyed, Zhu Xiuqin grew up under the eyes of her stepmother, and she has a lot of eyes. If she is paired with such a real man, maybe it will be good!

"That's what you said. If you don't like her, I won't force you, but since you promised to help her, you have to say that you didn't like her but avenged her. She doesn't have money to repay her." Yours."

Chen Hu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it: "No, no, just treat it as a good deed for me."

After agreeing on the appointment time in Deyuelou tomorrow, Chen Hu left.

Seeing the sinister smile on his little daughter-in-law's face, Li Xiuyu kissed her when no one was hugging her in the room: "Little villain, you are so bad! How dare you molested my junior brother? If I don't avenge my junior brother today, I will not He deserves to be their senior brother!"

Who is it?
He obviously had a lot of fun when he molested his junior brother just now, but now he's talking about her?
Lin Yujiao was frightened when she saw Li Xiuyu's red eyes: "It's sunny now! Don't act recklessly! But you are quite honest as a junior."

Chen Hu honest?
Haha, his little daughter-in-law is so innocent!
Okay, she thinks being honest is being honest, anyway, her junior brother won't do anything out of the ordinary.

As for whether Zhu Xiuqin will take a fancy to him, it depends on his own methods!

Li Xiuyu had been away for five days before he came back. At this time, he had finished what his daughter-in-law told him, and the longing in his heart started to stir up, and he had no time to deal with his junior brother: "Daughter-in-law, who messed up? You wronged me Yes! I’m obviously following along! Don’t be afraid, this will be nap time, and we’ll take a nap too!”

"No, absolutely not!" Thinking of the man's eyes, Lin Yujiao yelled anxiously: "I promised to accompany grandma to read scriptures for a while, you can't do this!"

What can't be like this, can't be like that?
Sleeping with your own wife, is it possible that you have to worry about what other people think?
The person has already hugged the kang, the door has been closed, Li Xiuyu rushed forward: "Daughter-in-law, I miss you to death!"


A few days ago, she and Liu Yang were still mocking Tao Niang for her shamelessness, so it's her turn today?
"Husband, it's only a few hours before night!"

Suddenly, a black thing leaned towards her eyes, and an evil face stretched out: "Daughter-in-law, how long do you think it can wait?"

Lin Yujiao's face burned up...

(End of this chapter)

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