Chapter 575 Merlin
Looking at the plum forest, Lin Yujiao was in a great mood.

She remembered that the Jiang family also had a few plum trees, which were the favorite of the Jiang family uncle.

When I first took him in, the uncle of the Jiang family was dying of illness, and she was carried in for joy.

But at that time Lin Yujiao knew that she was happy because she heard that Uncle Jiang was a scholar.

Although she is a sick scholar, she also feels that she is very lucky. After all, if she is not sick, she will not want a fat and ugly woman like her to be a concubine.

Maybe I was really blessed by nature, the uncle of the Jiang family could get up within a month after she entered, at that time Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang treated her very well at least on the surface.

Although Uncle Jiang really got better when Grandpa Sun arrived a year later, but someone who has been bedridden for more than a year can suddenly wake up, which has to be said to be a great joy.

And it will be the twelfth lunar month after the sick scholar can wake up, and he loves to sit at the window and look at the red plums in the courtyard.

"Liu Yang, I once heard someone compose a poem about plum blossoms, which is a bit similar to the poem you read to me last time. I thought that if the plum groves were in the twelfth lunar month, it would be wonderful to match that poem. Knowing how beautiful it will be! I will read it out in a while, you come to taste it?"

In Liu Yang's previous life, there were only four words in his memory: training and learning.

These four words did not start until she was 15 years old, and then she began to learn various life skills and worldly skills. She could memorize poems by heart, but she couldn't even write a single word.

Seeing that Lin Yujiao was happy, she took up the conversation: "I really don't know how to compose poems, but I can read two poems. It's just that what kind of good poems did you hear written by others? Tell me about it."

Lin Yujiao smiled softly: "I don't know if it's a good poem, but I just remember it when I hear it from others: Baihuasha in the twelfth lunar month, red plum blossoms alone, proudly standing on the branches, and the dark fragrance comes with the wind. You said, is this a good poem? Do you think this poem is a bit similar to the poem you read to me last time?"

"It is indeed a bit the same. This means that the poets have the same feelings about the red plums, right? Look, there are withered flowers and plants everywhere in the winter. The only thing that everyone sees is the red plums that bloom in the snow. The scenery is the same, so the poems I write are similar, right?"

"Well, you're right. Liu Yang, your knowledge is deep, I don't believe you can't compose poetry. Come and listen to a few sentences, I won't laugh at you!"

Ask her to write poetry?
How many poets in the world are not sour?
And she, besides killing, is killing!
Can you listen to her poems like this?
Seeing Lin Yujiao looking at her expectantly, Liu Yang was immediately happy: "You want me, who has learned the lines of cloud to rain, snow to wind, and evening photos to clear sky, to compose poems? ! Don’t talk about writing poetry, I can’t even taste poetry!”

Lin Yujiao giggled when she heard the words: "I don't know how to taste poetry either, so we are a pair of old scalpers! If you can't, then you won't, there's nothing to be ashamed of, is there?"

"Hahaha... That is, if you can compose poetry, you can't eat it. If you can't compose, you can't compose it. I'm not embarrassed!"

The two were laughing happily in the plum grove, when suddenly a sharp voice came in: "Oh, Mrs. Li is quite self-aware, knowing that she is useless?"

Seeing the person in front of her, Lin Yujiao's smile that made Baihua pale suddenly faded, her eyebrows raised with contempt: "Miss Shen, do you think I, Lin Yujiao, are useless?"

(End of this chapter)

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